Environmental Studies Major Requirements

2024 - 2025 Catalog

Environmental Studies major leading to BA degree

A major in environmental studies leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree requires completion of at least 41 credits, which must include at least three credits at the 300-level or above in addition to the capstone. Students also undertake an experiential-learning activity. A student may not complete both a major and a minor in environmental studies.

  1. Required courses: ENV 110, 201, 202, 203
  2. Statistics: one course chosen from BIOL 201 or POL 202 or ECON 202 (required for Environmental Economics & Policy track if planning to take ECON 203).
  3. Advanced Quantitative Skills: one course chosen from the following list. This course may also be used when included in an elective track below. BIOL 282, 322, 325; ECON 203; EEG 316, 340; or SOAN 222.
  4. Electives: Complete one elective track below or design one with prior approval from the Environmental Studies core faculty. No more than three elective courses completed in any track may be used to satisfy requirements in another major (not including courses taken to fulfill Statistics or Advanced Quantitative courses above). Student-designed elective tracks must be proposed and approved before the end of the student's junior (third) year.
  5. Capstone: Take either ENV 397 or 493 (ENV 396 Pre-Capstone strongly encouraged)
  6. Experience: A relevant internship, study abroad, research project, or other experiential learning activity approved in advance by the director of the program.

    Elective Tracks:

Conservation Biology (5 courses, at least 16 credits)
a. Advanced ecology foundations: one course chosen from BIOL 217, 245, 332
b. Advanced social science foundations: one course chosen from ECON 255; ENV 282 (SOAN 282), 365 (PHIL 365); POL 233; and when appropriate and approved in advance, ECON 295; ENV 295
c. Three additional courses chosen from BIOL 217, 241, 242, 243, 245, 322, 325, 330, 332; ENV 250; and when appropriate and approved in advance, BIOL 195, 398; ECON 295; ENV 295

Climate Change (6 courses, at least 18 credits)
a. Required: EEG 141
b. Science: three courses chosen from the following, including one laboratory course (indicated by *): BIOL 325*, 330*; EEG 150, 155, 312, 316*, 336
c. Human Dimensions: two courses chosen from ACCT 303; ECON 255; ENV 282 (SOAN 282), 365 (PHIL 365); PHIL 150; POL 105, 233, and when appropriate and approved in advance, BUS 390; ECON 295; ENV 295

Environmental Economics and Policy (7 courses, at least 21 credits)
a. Required: ECON 100, ECON 255, and either ECON 203 or SOAN 222
b. Ethics: one course chosen from BUS 345; ENV 365 (PHIL 365); PHIL 150
c. Three additional courses chosen from BIOL 325; BUS 390; ECON 280, 302; ENV 282 (SOAN 282); POL 233, 466; and when appropriate and approved in advance, ECON 295, 395; POL 294, 295; ENV 295; SOAN 291

Environmental Humanities (5 courses, at least 15 credits)
a. Philosophy / Ethics: Either ENV 365 (PHIL 365) or PHIL 150
b. Religion / Sociology & Anthropology: one course chosen from ENV 282 (SOAN 282); REL 207, 285 (SOAN 285), or when appropriate and approved in advance, ENV 295
c. Literature and Arts: one course chosen from ARTS 214, 233, 236, ENGL 207, 214 (ENV 214), 263 (ENV 263), or when appropriate and approved in advance, ENGL 293, 393, 394
d. Two additional courses chosen from ARTS 214, 233, 236; ECON 286 (SOAN 286); ENGL 207, 214 (ENV 214), ENGL 263 (ENV 263); ENV 250, 282 (SOAN 282), 365 (PHIL 365); HIST 288; PHIL 150; REL 207, 285 (SOAN 285), or when appropriate and approved in advance, BUS 390; ENGL 293, 393, 394

Sustainable Commerce (at least 18 credits)
a. Required: BUS 381
b. Core Social Science: nine credits chosen from at least two departments from the following: ACCT 303; BUS 180, 390, 392; ECON 255, 276, 280, 356; ENV 282 (SOAN 282); POL 233, 268; SOAN 266, 268. And when approved in advance: ECON 295 (e.g. Intro to Sustainable Development); ENV 295
c. Climate/Ecosystem Science: three credits chosen from the following: BIOL 330, 332; EEG 141; ENV 250
d. Human Dimensions: three credits chosen from the following: ENV 365 (PHIL 365); HIST 254, 268; PHIL 150, 242,245; POV 101, 103, 453; REL 207; SOAN 228, 264

Water Resources (5 courses, at least 17 credits)
a. Human Dimensions: two courses chosen from ECON 255, 286 (SOAN 286); ENV 250, 282 (SOAN 282), 365 (PHIL 365); PHIL 150; POL 233; SOAN 285; and when appropriate and approved in advance, ECON 288, 395
b. Science: three courses chosen from the following, including two laboratory courses (indicated by *): BIOL 217*; EEG 141, 150, 155, 240*, 247*, 248*, 314*, 316* (with water-resources course project), 340, and when appropriate and approved in advance, BIOL 195; EEG 105, 373; ENV 295

Student-Designed Elective Track
Students majoring in environmental studies may propose a self-designed series of "elective" courses that focuses on a particular theme relevant to their individual educational objectives. Students should consult with faculty members in Environmental Studies when developing this proposal and present it to the head of the Environmental Studies Program, along with the major declaration form no later than February 1 of the junior year (though we recommend that students submit proposals in their sophomore year). One of the core or affiliate faculty members in Environmental Studies must be willing to serve as the student's adviser in the major and provide a letter of support for the proposal. Proposals must be approved by the Environmental Studies faculty before the end of the junior year.

  1. Required courses:

    • ENV 110 - Introduction to Environmental Studies
      Prerequisitefirst-year or sophomore class standing

      An interdisciplinary introduction to environmental studies with an emphasis on how societies organize themselves through their social, political and economic institutions to respond to environmental problems. The course begins with a discussion of the development of environmental thought, focusing on the relationship between humans and the environment. Participants then discuss alternative criteria for environmental decision making, including sustainability, equity, ecological integrity, economic efficiency, and environmental justice. The course concludes with an examination of contemporary environmental issues, including global warming, invasive species, energy and the environment, tropical deforestation, and the relationship between the environment and economic development in developing countries.

    • ENV 201 - Applied Environmental Science
      FDRSC Science, Math, CS Distribution
      PrerequisiteENV 110 and environmental studies major or minor

      A foundation in the natural sciences for environmental studies students, this course introduces foundational concepts in earth ecological sciences and their application in understanding human-environment relationships. Local, regional, and global environmental case studies are considered.

    • ENV 202 - Society and Natural Resources
      FDRSS1 Social Science - Group 1 Distribution
      PrerequisiteENV 110 and environmental studies major or minor

      A foundation in the natural sciences for environmental studies students, this course emphasizes understanding how socio-economic conditions are studied to inform and shape environmental policy. Local, regional, and global environmental case studies are considered.

    • ENV 203 - Environmental Humanities
      FDRHU Humanities Distribution
      PrerequisiteENV 110 and environmental studies major or minor

      An introduction to the examination of human-environment relationships arising from the humanities, this course draws broadly upon the fields of philosophy, history, cultural anthropology, eco-criticism, art and art history, and the emerging interdisciplinary field of environmental humanities. Students receive a broad introduction to humanist perspectives on environmental challenges and solutions and preparation for examining specific fields in greater depth later in their studies.

  3. Statistics:
  4. take one course from:

    • BIOL 201 - Statistics for Biology and Medicine
      PrerequisiteBIOL 111, 113, and either a Biology major, Neuroscience major, or Data Science minor

      This course examines the principles of statistics and experimental design for biological and medical research. The focus is on the practical and conceptual aspects of statistics, rather than mathematical derivations. Students completing this class will be able to read and understand research papers, to design realistic experiments, and to carry out their own statistical analyses using computer packages.

    • or

    • POL 202 - Applied Statistics

      Not open to students with credit for BUS 202, ECON 202, INTR 202, CBSC 250, or MATH 118. An examination of the principal applications of statistics to allow students to develop a working knowledge and understanding of applied statistics in the social sciences (politics, sociology, and economics), and accounting and business. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability, estimation, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis.

    • or

    • ECON 202 - Data Analytics for Economics

      (required for Environmental Economics & Policy track if planning to take ECON 203)

      PrerequisiteECON 100, 180, 180A, or both ECON 101 and ECON 102

      Fundamentals of probability, statistics, estimation, and hypothesis testing and ending with an introduction to regression analysis. The topics are critical for success in upper-level economics electives and are important for careers that rely on empirical research in the social sciences. Students engage in a dialogue between theory and application and learn to think formally about data, uncertainty, and random processes, while learning hands-on methods to organize and analyze real data using modern statistical software. Not open to students with credit for BUS 202 or POL/INTR 202.

  5. Advanced Quantitative Skills:
  6. take one course chosen from the following list. This course may also be used when included in an elective track below.

    • BIOL 282 - Modeling and Simulations in Public Health
      FDRSL Lab Science Distribution
      PrerequisiteMATH 101

      Where are infections spreading? How many people will be affected? What are some different ways to stop the spread of an epidemic? These are questions that all of us ask during an outbreak or emergency. In a process known as modeling, scientists analyze data using complex mathematical methods to provide answers to these and other questions during an emergency response. Models provide the foresight that can help decision-makers better prepare for the future. In this course you will learn how to develop a simple mathematical models using data. You will learn basic epidemiological concepts, computational data analysis tools and relevant mathematical techniques to integrate existing data into the model and generate relevant predictions. In an open-ended project, you and several of your classmates will develop a model and recommendation about potential public health threat. No prior programming experience required - you will learn to use Python, a popular open-source programming language and Jupyter Notebook data analysis environment, to interactively explore data. Laboratory course.

    • BIOL 322 - Conservation Genetics
      PrerequisiteBIOL 220

      A study of the central issues of population genetics and their application to species preservation and conservation. Topics include genetic surveys of rare or threatened species; population structure and dispersal; inferring population histories from genetic data; phylogenetics of threatened species' groups; hybridization between species; the use of genetic data in captive breeding programs and the prosecution of endangered species legislation; and the use of biotechnologies, such as cloning.

    • BIOL 325 - Ecological Modeling and Conservation Strategies
      PrerequisiteBIOL 111, 113, and a MATH course numbered 101 or greater

      This course is an intensive introduction to foundational methods in ecological modeling and their application, with emphasis on the dynamics of exploited or threatened populations and developing strategies for effective conservation. Topics include managing harvested populations, population viability analysis, individual based models, and simulation modeling for systems analyses. Laboratory course.

    • ECON 203 - Econometrics
      PrerequisiteECON 202

      Explorations of regression models that relate a response variable to one or more predictor variables. The course begins with a review of the simple bivariate model used in POL/INTR 202, and moves on to multivariate models. Underlying model assumptions and consequences are discussed. Advanced topics include non-linear regression and forecasting. Examples in each class are drawn from a number of disciplines. The course emphasizes the use of data and student-directed research.

    • EEG 316 - GIS and Remote Sensing
      Prerequisiteor Corequisite: EEG 100, EEG 101, EEG 102, EEG 103, EEG 105, EEG 107, or EEG 200

      A laboratory course introducing the use of a Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing in geological/environmental analyses and decision making. Students use state-of-the-art software with a wide variety of spatial geologic, environmental, economic and topographic data derived from satellites; remote databases and published maps to evaluate geologic conditions; local landscape processes; environmental conditions; and hypothetical land-use cases.

    • EEG 340 - Hydrologic Modeling
      Prerequisiteor Corequisite: EEG 100, EEG 101, EEG 102, EEG 103, EEG 105, EEG 107, or EEG 200

      This course is an introduction to hydrologic modeling. We will become familiar with some widely used hydrologic models. We gain expertise in preparing data, modeling rainfall and runoff in watersheds, simulating aquifer and groundwater flow, and analyzing water chemistry and contamination. We will delve into hypotheses testing, predicting future and hypothetical scenarios, and explore how models contribute to informed decision-making processes.

    • SOAN 222 - Data Science Tools for Social Policy
      FDRSC Science, Math, CS Distribution
      PrerequisiteOne of the following: BIOL 201, CBSC 250, DCI 202, ECON 202, POL/INTR 202, MATH 310, SOAN 218, or SOAN 219; or instructor consent

      Students learn about how we think about and estimate causal effects, and practice important contemporary techniques with real data, culminating in reports analyzing the effects of a policy intervention of their choice. All work will be done in R. No previous experience with R is required, but some basic previous exposure to linear regression will be helpful.

  7. Electives:
  8. complete one elective track below or design one with prior approval from the Environmental Studies core faculty. No more than three courses completed in any elective track may be used to satisfy requirements in another major. Student-designed elective tracks must be proposed and approved before the end of the student's junior (third) year.

  9. Capstone:
  10. Take either:

    • ENV 397 - Senior Seminar in Environmental Studies
      PrerequisiteENV 110, environmental studies major or minor, and senior class standing

      An interdisciplinary capstone course intended for students in the environmental studies program. Students analyze a particular environmental issue and attempt to integrate scientific inquiry, political and economic analysis and ethical implications. The particular issue changes each year.

    • or

    • ENV 493 - Honors Thesis in Environmental Studies
      Prerequisiteinstructor consent

      Honors Thesis.

    • Strongly encouraged to also take:

    • ENV 396 - Pre-Capstone Research Seminar
      PrerequisiteEnvironmental Studies major or minor

      In this seminar, students develop a proposal for the research that they will conduct in the subsequent Winter-term class, ENV 397. Both quantitative and qualitative research projects are encouraged and all research projects must have an interdisciplinary component. Students develop their research questions, prepare progress reports, annotated bibliographies, discussions of data, methods, and the significance of their proposed research. The final product is a complete research proposal which serves as a blueprint for the capstone research project. Students are also responsible for reviewing the work of classmates.

  11. Experience:
  12. A relevant internship, study abroad, research project, or other experiential learning activity approved in advance by the head of the major.

  13. Conservation Biology Elective Track
  14. (5 courses, at least 16 credits)

    • Advanced ecology foundations:

      take one course chosen from:

      • BIOL 217 - Aquatic Ecology
        PrerequisiteBIOL 111, 113, and a MATH course numbered 101 or greater

        This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the ecology of freshwater systems, with laboratory emphasis on streams and rivers in the local area. It includes a review of the physical and biological properties of freshwater ecosystems as well as current issues relating to their conservation. Laboratory activities focus around monitoring the impacts of current stream restoration efforts in local watersheds.

      • BIOL 245 - Ecology
        PrerequisiteBIOL 111 and BIOL 113

        An introduction to the study of interactions between organisms and their environments. Topics are arranged hierarchically: a) evolution and elementary population genetics; b) population dynamics and regulation; c) interspecific competition, predation, parasitism and symbiosis; d) community structure, energy and material flux in ecosystems. Laboratory is field oriented and investigative.

      • BIOL 332 - Plant Functional Ecology

        The emphasis and location of the study area differs from year to year. Information regarding the specific course topic and field trip schedule is made available in the fall. Through novel research projects in a variety of field settings (e.g., on-campus, Appalachian and Blue Ridge Mountains, The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem), this field-based laboratory course covers topics which investigate the vital roles that plants play in shaping Earth's ecosystems. Topics focus on the responses of native plants to environmental stresses, such as global climate change (elevated temperature and carbon dioxide and drought), herbivory, and invasive species. Field and laboratory exercises focus on testing hypotheses through experiments using a variety of species from intact plant communities. A review of the pertinent literature is used to develop and conduct a term research project. Laboratory course. Additional course fee required, for which the student is responsible after Friday of the 7th week of winter term.

    • Advanced social science foundations:

      take one course chosen from:

      • ECON 255 - Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
        PrerequisiteECON 100, 180, 180A, or both ECON 101 and ECON 102

        The course serves as an introduction to environmental and natural resource economics. Economic principles are used to evaluate public and private decision making involving the management and use of environmental and natural resources. Aspects pertaining to fisheries, forests, species diversity, agriculture, and various policies to reduce air, water and toxic pollution will be discussed. Lectures, reading assignments, discussions and exams will emphasize the use of microeconomic analysis for managing and dealing with environmental and natural resource problems and issues.

      • POL 233 - Environmental Policy and Law
        FDRSS2 Social Science - Group 2 Distribution
        PrerequisiteECON 100, ECON 101, ECON 180, ECON 180A, or POL 100

        A study of major environmental laws and the history of their enactment and implementation. Discusses different theoretical approaches from law, ethics, politics, and economics. Reviews significant case law and the legal context. Emphasis is on domestic policy with some attention to international law and treaties.

      • ENV 282 - Commodification of Nature

        (SOAN 282)


        This course studies the nature-society relationship in the colonial and modern world by analyzing the history of instrumental raw materials that have been commodified as part of the development of capitalism. Drawing on dependency, unequal exchange, and world-systems theories, we will examine commodity chains and trade relations between the Global North and the Global South, with an emphasis on ecological and social issues. We will also analyze environmental justice topics related to these episodes, as well as possible paths to transcend the asymmetric cross-national power relations characterizing the modern world. The course is also intended to help students develop their analytical thinking, writing, research, and communication skills. 

      • and when appropriate and approved in advance,

      • ECON 295 - Special Topics in Economics
        PrerequisiteECON 100, ECON 180, or ECON 180A; or both ECON 101 and ECON 102

        Course emphasis and prerequisites change from term to term and are announced prior to preregistration. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. A maximum of nine credits chosen from all special topics in economics courses may be used, with permission of the department head, toward requirements for the economics major. Prerequisites may vary with topic. Preference to ECON majors during the first round of registration. Other majors are encouraged to add to the waiting list after registration re-opens for all class years. 

      • ENV 295 - Special Topics in Environmental Studies
        PrerequisiteENV 110 or BIOL 111

        This course examines special topics in environmental studies, such as ecotourism, the environment and development, local environmental issues, values and the environment, global fisheries, global climate change, tropical deforestation and similar topics of importance, which could change from year to year. This is a research-intensive course where the student would be expected to write a significant paper, either individually or as part of a group, of sufficient quality to be made useful to the scholarly and policy communities.

    • Three additional courses:

      chosen from:

      • BIOL 217 - Aquatic Ecology
        PrerequisiteBIOL 111, 113, and a MATH course numbered 101 or greater

        This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the ecology of freshwater systems, with laboratory emphasis on streams and rivers in the local area. It includes a review of the physical and biological properties of freshwater ecosystems as well as current issues relating to their conservation. Laboratory activities focus around monitoring the impacts of current stream restoration efforts in local watersheds.

      • BIOL 241 - Field Ornithology
        FDRSL Lab Science Distribution
        PrerequisiteBIOL 111 and BIOL 113

        This course integrates studies of bird biology with field observation and identification of local bird species. Topics covered include anatomy, taxonomy, reproduction, vocalization, migration, ecology, and evolution. Field trips to a variety of areas throughout Virginia emphasize identification skills and basic field research techniques.

      • BIOL 242 - Field Herpetology
        PrerequisiteBIOL 111 or ENV 110

        Field Herpetology is a research-based course on the ecology and behavior of amphibians and reptiles. Research projects vary from year-to-year and are designed to give students plenty of time on the field and exposure to a diverse assortment of amphibian and reptile species. Students should be prepared for hiking off-trail, wading in swamps, and catching live animals.

      • BIOL 243 - Animal Behavior
        PrerequisiteBIOL 111 and BIOL 113

        An introduction to the scientific study of animal behavior, including exploration of the evolutionary basis of behavior and examination of how animals choose mates, defend territories, find food, and avoid predators. Field and laboratory exercises focus on testing hypotheses through experiments with a variety of animals, including fish, amphibians, birds, and humans. Laboratory course.

      • BIOL 245 - Ecology
        PrerequisiteBIOL 111 and BIOL 113

        An introduction to the study of interactions between organisms and their environments. Topics are arranged hierarchically: a) evolution and elementary population genetics; b) population dynamics and regulation; c) interspecific competition, predation, parasitism and symbiosis; d) community structure, energy and material flux in ecosystems. Laboratory is field oriented and investigative.

      • BIOL 322 - Conservation Genetics
        PrerequisiteBIOL 220

        A study of the central issues of population genetics and their application to species preservation and conservation. Topics include genetic surveys of rare or threatened species; population structure and dispersal; inferring population histories from genetic data; phylogenetics of threatened species' groups; hybridization between species; the use of genetic data in captive breeding programs and the prosecution of endangered species legislation; and the use of biotechnologies, such as cloning.

      • BIOL 325 - Ecological Modeling and Conservation Strategies
        PrerequisiteBIOL 111, 113, and a MATH course numbered 101 or greater

        This course is an intensive introduction to foundational methods in ecological modeling and their application, with emphasis on the dynamics of exploited or threatened populations and developing strategies for effective conservation. Topics include managing harvested populations, population viability analysis, individual based models, and simulation modeling for systems analyses. Laboratory course.

      • BIOL 330 - Experimental Botany: Global Climate Change
        PrerequisiteBIOL 111, 113, and either a Biology, Bioengineering, or Environmental Studies major

        Lectures focus on the major impacts of global climate change (elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and elevated temperatures) on plant function (photosynthesis and respiration) and plant communities. Additional topics include global carbon budgets, plant carbon sequestration, and agricultural impacts. Participants review the pertinent primary literature and conduct a term-long laboratory research project. Laboratory course.

      • BIOL 332 - Plant Functional Ecology

        The emphasis and location of the study area differs from year to year. Information regarding the specific course topic and field trip schedule is made available in the fall. Through novel research projects in a variety of field settings (e.g., on-campus, Appalachian and Blue Ridge Mountains, The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem), this field-based laboratory course covers topics which investigate the vital roles that plants play in shaping Earth's ecosystems. Topics focus on the responses of native plants to environmental stresses, such as global climate change (elevated temperature and carbon dioxide and drought), herbivory, and invasive species. Field and laboratory exercises focus on testing hypotheses through experiments using a variety of species from intact plant communities. A review of the pertinent literature is used to develop and conduct a term research project. Laboratory course. Additional course fee required, for which the student is responsible after Friday of the 7th week of winter term.

      • ENV 250 - Ecology of Place
        Prerequisiteinstructor consent

        Think globally, study locally. This course explores globally significant environmental issues such as biodiversity conservation, sustainable delivery of ecosystem goods and services, and environmental justice, as they are manifested on a local/regional scale. We examine interactions among ethical, ecological, and economic concerns that shape these issues. Students are fully engaged in the development of policy recommendations that could guide relevant decision makers. The course incorporates readings, field trips, films, and discussions with invited experts.

      • and when appropriate and approved in advance,

      • BIOL 195 - Topics in Biology

        Biology topics appropriate for first-year students. Topics vary with instructor and term. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

      • BIOL 398 - Selected Topics in Ecology and Evolution

        Topics include ecology, behavior, evolution, and natural history of selected taxonomic groups. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. Prerequisites vary with topic.

      • ECON 295 - Special Topics in Economics
        PrerequisiteECON 100, ECON 180, or ECON 180A; or both ECON 101 and ECON 102

        Course emphasis and prerequisites change from term to term and are announced prior to preregistration. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. A maximum of nine credits chosen from all special topics in economics courses may be used, with permission of the department head, toward requirements for the economics major. Prerequisites may vary with topic. Preference to ECON majors during the first round of registration. Other majors are encouraged to add to the waiting list after registration re-opens for all class years. 

      • ENV 295 - Special Topics in Environmental Studies
        PrerequisiteENV 110 or BIOL 111

        This course examines special topics in environmental studies, such as ecotourism, the environment and development, local environmental issues, values and the environment, global fisheries, global climate change, tropical deforestation and similar topics of importance, which could change from year to year. This is a research-intensive course where the student would be expected to write a significant paper, either individually or as part of a group, of sufficient quality to be made useful to the scholarly and policy communities.

  15. Climate Change Elective Track
  16. (6 courses, at least 18 credits)

    • Required:
      • EEG 141 - Global Climate Change
        FDRSC Science, Math, CS Distribution

        A study of Earth's complex climate system and the impact of human activities on future climates. Through readings, discussions, data analyses and modeling exercises, the past and future changes in temperature, ocean circulation, rainfall, storminess, biogeochemistry, glacial ice extent and sea level are explored.

    • Science:

      three courses chosen from the following, including one laboratory course (indicated by *):

      • BIOL 325 - Ecological Modeling and Conservation Strategies


        PrerequisiteBIOL 111, 113, and a MATH course numbered 101 or greater

        This course is an intensive introduction to foundational methods in ecological modeling and their application, with emphasis on the dynamics of exploited or threatened populations and developing strategies for effective conservation. Topics include managing harvested populations, population viability analysis, individual based models, and simulation modeling for systems analyses. Laboratory course.

      • BIOL 330 - Experimental Botany: Global Climate Change


        PrerequisiteBIOL 111, 113, and either a Biology, Bioengineering, or Environmental Studies major

        Lectures focus on the major impacts of global climate change (elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and elevated temperatures) on plant function (photosynthesis and respiration) and plant communities. Additional topics include global carbon budgets, plant carbon sequestration, and agricultural impacts. Participants review the pertinent primary literature and conduct a term-long laboratory research project. Laboratory course.

      • EEG 150 - Water Resources
        FDRSC Science, Math, CS Distribution

        In this course, we will explore the fundamental role of water in shaping our lives and our planet. We will dive into the relationship between human societies and freshwater resources that impact drinking water availability, water pollution, water scarcity, etc. We will also learn about the components of the earth's hydrosphere and their interactions with special focus on freshwater resources. The course will focus on water crisis issues from various parts of the world and discuss potential remediation plans.

      • EEG 155 - Oceanography
        FDRSC Science, Math, CS Distribution

        Introduction to physical oceanography and marine geology; tides, waves, currents, and the interaction of oceans and atmosphere; submarine landscapes; and sedimentary, volcanic, and tectonic activity in the ocean basins.

      • EEG 316 - GIS and Remote Sensing


        Prerequisiteor Corequisite: EEG 100, EEG 101, EEG 102, EEG 103, EEG 105, EEG 107, or EEG 200

        A laboratory course introducing the use of a Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing in geological/environmental analyses and decision making. Students use state-of-the-art software with a wide variety of spatial geologic, environmental, economic and topographic data derived from satellites; remote databases and published maps to evaluate geologic conditions; local landscape processes; environmental conditions; and hypothetical land-use cases.

      • EEG 312 - Past Climates and Our Future
        Prerequisiteor Corequisite: EEG 100, EEG 101, EEG 102, EEG 103, EEG 105, EEG 107, or EEG 200

        Understanding climate change in the past informs how we navigate our future in a rapidly changing world. This course will focus on understanding what our climate and environment was like at key moments in the past, and investigating the world we might be inhabiting moving forward. We will focus on readings about past and future climate change, learning how to analyze and evaluate real data, using data to visualize our future world, and communicating about climate and environmental change.

      • EEG 336 - History and Evolution of the Earth
        Prerequisiteor Corequisite: EEG 100, EEG 101, EEG 102, EEG 103, EEG 105, EEG 107, or EEG 200

        An introductory examination of the origin and physical evolution of the Earth as inferred from the rock record. Areas of particular emphasis include: (1) the origin of the solar system and differentiation of the planets; (2) the evolution of the terrestrial atmosphere and hydrosphere; (3) explanations for the development of life; (4) organic evolution and interpretations of mass extinctions; (5) the changing configuration of continental blocks and ocean basins by continental drift, seafloor spreading, and plate tectonics; and (6) the growth of continental blocks and their mountain systems.

    • Human Dimensions:

      two courses chosen from:

      • ACCT 303 - Sustainability Accounting
        PrerequisiteACCT 100

        This course examines best practices and key debates in sustainability accounting and corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting. Sustainable business practices meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future. Increasingly, accountants are playing an important role in measuring, reporting, and auditing corporate impacts on society and the environment so that corporations can be held accountable and more sustainable business practices can be implemented.

      • ECON 255 - Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
        PrerequisiteECON 100, 180, 180A, or both ECON 101 and ECON 102

        The course serves as an introduction to environmental and natural resource economics. Economic principles are used to evaluate public and private decision making involving the management and use of environmental and natural resources. Aspects pertaining to fisheries, forests, species diversity, agriculture, and various policies to reduce air, water and toxic pollution will be discussed. Lectures, reading assignments, discussions and exams will emphasize the use of microeconomic analysis for managing and dealing with environmental and natural resource problems and issues.

      • ENV 282 - Commodification of Nature

        (SOAN 282)


        This course studies the nature-society relationship in the colonial and modern world by analyzing the history of instrumental raw materials that have been commodified as part of the development of capitalism. Drawing on dependency, unequal exchange, and world-systems theories, we will examine commodity chains and trade relations between the Global North and the Global South, with an emphasis on ecological and social issues. We will also analyze environmental justice topics related to these episodes, as well as possible paths to transcend the asymmetric cross-national power relations characterizing the modern world. The course is also intended to help students develop their analytical thinking, writing, research, and communication skills. 

      • ENV 365 - Seminar in Environmental Ethics

        (PHIL 365)

        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        Same as PHIL 365. This course examines selected topics in environmental ethics. Topics may vary from year to year, and include the proper meanings and goals of environmentalism; the goals and methods of conservation biology; major environmental issues in current political debates; and balancing the ethical concerns of environmental justice and our responsibilities to future generations.

      • PHIL 150 - Ethics and the Environment
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        This course is a philosophical exploration of one's responsibilities to the natural world. It has three main objectives: first, to provide an understanding of different dominant ethical theories and their application to animals, plants, and ecosystems; second, to provide an understanding of major environmental issues in current political debates, such as climate change, species preservation, and sustainable development; and third, to facilitate the development of a student's own ethic towards the environment. 

      • POL 105 - Introduction to Global Politics
        FDRSS2 Social Science - Group 2 Distribution

        A survey of the comparative study of national and international politics and the interaction between the two. Topics may include power relations among and within states, changes in the conduct of international affairs and conflict resolution, contrasting ideas about democracy, economic development, justice, globalization, terrorism, causes and alternatives to war, social movements and the role of the nation-state.

      • POL 233 - Environmental Policy and Law
        FDRSS2 Social Science - Group 2 Distribution
        PrerequisiteECON 100, ECON 101, ECON 180, ECON 180A, or POL 100

        A study of major environmental laws and the history of their enactment and implementation. Discusses different theoretical approaches from law, ethics, politics, and economics. Reviews significant case law and the legal context. Emphasis is on domestic policy with some attention to international law and treaties.

      • and when appropriate and approved in advance,

      • BUS 390 - Supervised Study Abroad
        Prerequisiteinstructor consent

        These upper-level courses cover topics of current interest in business administration for which international travel provides a unique opportunity for enhancing understanding. Emphasis changes from year to year. Prerequisites as specified by the instructor and approval of the International Education Committee.

      • ECON 295 - Special Topics in Economics
        PrerequisiteECON 100, ECON 180, or ECON 180A; or both ECON 101 and ECON 102

        Course emphasis and prerequisites change from term to term and are announced prior to preregistration. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. A maximum of nine credits chosen from all special topics in economics courses may be used, with permission of the department head, toward requirements for the economics major. Prerequisites may vary with topic. Preference to ECON majors during the first round of registration. Other majors are encouraged to add to the waiting list after registration re-opens for all class years. 

      • ENV 295 - Special Topics in Environmental Studies
        PrerequisiteENV 110 or BIOL 111

        This course examines special topics in environmental studies, such as ecotourism, the environment and development, local environmental issues, values and the environment, global fisheries, global climate change, tropical deforestation and similar topics of importance, which could change from year to year. This is a research-intensive course where the student would be expected to write a significant paper, either individually or as part of a group, of sufficient quality to be made useful to the scholarly and policy communities.

  17. Environmental Economics and Policy Elective Track
  18. (7 courses, at least 21 credits)

    • Required:
      • ECON 100 - Introduction to Economics
        FDRSS1 Social Science - Group 1 Distribution

        Economics is the study of how a society (individuals, firms, and governments) allocates scarce resources. The course includes a survey of the fundamental principles used to approach microeconomic questions of consumer behavior, firm behavior, market outcomes, market structure, and microeconomic policy, and macroeconomic questions of performance of the aggregate economy, including unemployment, inflation, growth, and monetary and fiscal policies. Open only to students who have not taken ECON 101 and/or ECON 102. No retakes allowed.

      • ECON 255 - Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
        PrerequisiteECON 100, 180, 180A, or both ECON 101 and ECON 102

        The course serves as an introduction to environmental and natural resource economics. Economic principles are used to evaluate public and private decision making involving the management and use of environmental and natural resources. Aspects pertaining to fisheries, forests, species diversity, agriculture, and various policies to reduce air, water and toxic pollution will be discussed. Lectures, reading assignments, discussions and exams will emphasize the use of microeconomic analysis for managing and dealing with environmental and natural resource problems and issues.

      • and, either

      • ECON 203 - Econometrics
        PrerequisiteECON 202

        Explorations of regression models that relate a response variable to one or more predictor variables. The course begins with a review of the simple bivariate model used in POL/INTR 202, and moves on to multivariate models. Underlying model assumptions and consequences are discussed. Advanced topics include non-linear regression and forecasting. Examples in each class are drawn from a number of disciplines. The course emphasizes the use of data and student-directed research.

      • or

      • SOAN 222 - Data Science Tools for Social Policy
        FDRSC Science, Math, CS Distribution
        PrerequisiteOne of the following: BIOL 201, CBSC 250, DCI 202, ECON 202, POL/INTR 202, MATH 310, SOAN 218, or SOAN 219; or instructor consent

        Students learn about how we think about and estimate causal effects, and practice important contemporary techniques with real data, culminating in reports analyzing the effects of a policy intervention of their choice. All work will be done in R. No previous experience with R is required, but some basic previous exposure to linear regression will be helpful.

    • Ethics:

      one course chosen from:

      • BUS 345 - Business Ethics
        PrerequisiteECON 100, 180, or 180A, and ACCT 100, and at least sophomore class standing

        An examination of the moral and ethical issues associated with management policy and executive decisions. The course examines the basic approaches to moral reasoning, macro-moral issues concerning the justice of economic systems, and micro-moral issues, such as the following: conflict of interest, whistle blowing, discrimination in employment, product safety, environment, and advertising. Preference to BSADM, ACCT, or JMCB majors OR ENTR minors during first round of registration.

      • ENV 365 - Seminar in Environmental Ethics

        (PHIL 365)

        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        Same as PHIL 365. This course examines selected topics in environmental ethics. Topics may vary from year to year, and include the proper meanings and goals of environmentalism; the goals and methods of conservation biology; major environmental issues in current political debates; and balancing the ethical concerns of environmental justice and our responsibilities to future generations.

      • PHIL 150 - Ethics and the Environment
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        This course is a philosophical exploration of one's responsibilities to the natural world. It has three main objectives: first, to provide an understanding of different dominant ethical theories and their application to animals, plants, and ecosystems; second, to provide an understanding of major environmental issues in current political debates, such as climate change, species preservation, and sustainable development; and third, to facilitate the development of a student's own ethic towards the environment. 

    • Three additional courses:

      chosen from:

      • BIOL 325 - Ecological Modeling and Conservation Strategies
        PrerequisiteBIOL 111, 113, and a MATH course numbered 101 or greater

        This course is an intensive introduction to foundational methods in ecological modeling and their application, with emphasis on the dynamics of exploited or threatened populations and developing strategies for effective conservation. Topics include managing harvested populations, population viability analysis, individual based models, and simulation modeling for systems analyses. Laboratory course.

      • BUS 390 - Supervised Study Abroad
        Prerequisiteinstructor consent

        These upper-level courses cover topics of current interest in business administration for which international travel provides a unique opportunity for enhancing understanding. Emphasis changes from year to year. Prerequisites as specified by the instructor and approval of the International Education Committee.

      • ECON 280 - Development Economics
        PrerequisiteECON 100, ECON 180, or ECON 180A; or both ECON 101 and ECON 102

        A survey of the major issues of development economics. Economic structure of low-income countries and primary causes for their limited economic growth. Economic goals and policy alternatives. Role of developed countries in the development of poor countries. Selected case studies.

      • ECON 302 - Game Theory
        PrerequisiteECON 210

        This course abandons the assumptions of perfect competition. Buyers and sellers may be few; information may be privately held; property rights may poorly enforced; externalities abound and uncertainty is the rule. Game theory is a general framework for analyzing the messy world of strategic interactions. Standard solution concepts such as Nash Equilibrium, subgame perfection, and Bayesian equilibrium are introduced in the context of a broad array of microeconomic topics. These include auctions, bargaining, oligopoly, labor market signaling, public finance and insurance. Class time combines lectures, problem-solving workshops, and classroom experiments.

      • ENV 282 - Commodification of Nature

        (SOAN 282)


        This course studies the nature-society relationship in the colonial and modern world by analyzing the history of instrumental raw materials that have been commodified as part of the development of capitalism. Drawing on dependency, unequal exchange, and world-systems theories, we will examine commodity chains and trade relations between the Global North and the Global South, with an emphasis on ecological and social issues. We will also analyze environmental justice topics related to these episodes, as well as possible paths to transcend the asymmetric cross-national power relations characterizing the modern world. The course is also intended to help students develop their analytical thinking, writing, research, and communication skills. 

      • POL 233 - Environmental Policy and Law
        FDRSS2 Social Science - Group 2 Distribution
        PrerequisiteECON 100, ECON 101, ECON 180, ECON 180A, or POL 100

        A study of major environmental laws and the history of their enactment and implementation. Discusses different theoretical approaches from law, ethics, politics, and economics. Reviews significant case law and the legal context. Emphasis is on domestic policy with some attention to international law and treaties.

      • POL 466 - Washington Term Program
        Prerequisiteinstructor consent

        The Washington Term Program aims to enlarge students' understanding of national politics and governance. Combining academic study with practical experience in the setting of a government office, think tank, or other organization in Washington, it affords deeper insight into the processes and problems of government at the national level. A member of the politics faculty is the resident director, supervising students enrolled in this program while they are in Washington, D.C.

      • and when appropriate and approved in advance,

      • ECON 295 - Special Topics in Economics
        PrerequisiteECON 100, ECON 180, or ECON 180A; or both ECON 101 and ECON 102

        Course emphasis and prerequisites change from term to term and are announced prior to preregistration. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. A maximum of nine credits chosen from all special topics in economics courses may be used, with permission of the department head, toward requirements for the economics major. Prerequisites may vary with topic. Preference to ECON majors during the first round of registration. Other majors are encouraged to add to the waiting list after registration re-opens for all class years. 

      • ECON 395 - Special Topics in Economics
        PrerequisiteECON 203

        Course emphasis and prerequisites change from term to term and will be announced prior to preregistration. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. A maximum of nine credits chosen from all special topics in economics courses may be used, with permission of the department head, toward requirements for the economics major. Prerequisite varies with topic. Prerequisite: ECON 203.

      • POL 294 - Spring-Term Topics in Public Policy
        FDRSS2 Social Science - Group 2 Distribution

        This course is designed to give students additional expertise and awareness of discrete policy challenges in the United States. Students learn to explain current policy systems, including political institutions and political behavior by political actors. Students also formulate policy evaluations acknowledging the strengths and the weaknesses in the policy system.

      • POL 295 - Special Topics in American Politics
        FDRSS2 Social Science - Group 2 Distribution

        A seminar in political science for students at the introductory or intermediate level.

      • ENV 295 - Special Topics in Environmental Studies
        PrerequisiteENV 110 or BIOL 111

        This course examines special topics in environmental studies, such as ecotourism, the environment and development, local environmental issues, values and the environment, global fisheries, global climate change, tropical deforestation and similar topics of importance, which could change from year to year. This is a research-intensive course where the student would be expected to write a significant paper, either individually or as part of a group, of sufficient quality to be made useful to the scholarly and policy communities.

      • SOAN 291 - Special Topics in Anthropology

        A discussion of a series of topics of anthropological concern.

  19. Environmental Humanities Elective Track
  20. (5 courses, at least 15 credits)

    • Philosophy / Ethics:

      Take either:

      • ENV 365 - Seminar in Environmental Ethics

        (PHIL 365)

        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        Same as PHIL 365. This course examines selected topics in environmental ethics. Topics may vary from year to year, and include the proper meanings and goals of environmentalism; the goals and methods of conservation biology; major environmental issues in current political debates; and balancing the ethical concerns of environmental justice and our responsibilities to future generations.

      • PHIL 150 - Ethics and the Environment
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        This course is a philosophical exploration of one's responsibilities to the natural world. It has three main objectives: first, to provide an understanding of different dominant ethical theories and their application to animals, plants, and ecosystems; second, to provide an understanding of major environmental issues in current political debates, such as climate change, species preservation, and sustainable development; and third, to facilitate the development of a student's own ethic towards the environment. 

    • Religion / Sociology & Anthrophology:

      one course chosen from:

      • ENV 282 - Commodification of Nature

        (SOAN 282)


        This course studies the nature-society relationship in the colonial and modern world by analyzing the history of instrumental raw materials that have been commodified as part of the development of capitalism. Drawing on dependency, unequal exchange, and world-systems theories, we will examine commodity chains and trade relations between the Global North and the Global South, with an emphasis on ecological and social issues. We will also analyze environmental justice topics related to these episodes, as well as possible paths to transcend the asymmetric cross-national power relations characterizing the modern world. The course is also intended to help students develop their analytical thinking, writing, research, and communication skills. 

      • REL 207 - Nature and Place
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        Same as ENV 207. Through a consideration of work drawn from diverse disciplines including philosophy, religious studies, literature, art, and anthropology, this course explores a variety of ideas about and experiences of nature and place.

      • REL 285 - Introduction to American Indian Religions

        (SOAN 285)

        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        Same as SOAN 285. This class introduces students to some of the dominant themes, values, beliefs, and practices found among the religions of North America's Indian peoples. The first part of the course explores the importance of sacred power, landscape, and community in traditional Indian spiritualities and rituals. It then examines some of the changes that have occurred in these traditions as a result of western expansion and dominance from the 18th through early 20th centuries. Lastly, the course considers some of the issues and problems confronting contemporary American Indian religions.

      • or when appropriate and approved in advance,

      • ENV 295 - Special Topics in Environmental Studies
        PrerequisiteENV 110 or BIOL 111

        This course examines special topics in environmental studies, such as ecotourism, the environment and development, local environmental issues, values and the environment, global fisheries, global climate change, tropical deforestation and similar topics of importance, which could change from year to year. This is a research-intensive course where the student would be expected to write a significant paper, either individually or as part of a group, of sufficient quality to be made useful to the scholarly and policy communities.

    • Literature and Arts:

      take one course chosen from:

      • ARTS 214 - Drawing from the Environment
        FDRHA Fine Arts Distribution
        PrerequisiteARTS 111

        This intensive, place-based drawing course allows students to practice drawing skills, encourages students to think about the conceptual content of drawings, and requires students to produce a series of drawing projects informed and constrained by a specific natural environment.  The class includes instruction on the environmental context of our course location, including instruction in the ecology, natural history, and geology.  Nearly all of the course occurs outside.  Image presentations, readings and discussions about place-based and site-oriented art provide a conceptual foundation.

      • ARTS 233 - Eco Art
        FDRHA Fine Arts Distribution

        This course treads on the uncharted territory that lies between contemporary art practices and environmental activism, thus redefining cultural norms about the objectives and potential instrumental values of contemporary art. Eco artists replace conventional art store supplies with living plants and microbes, mud and feathers, electronic transmissions and digital imagery, temperature and wind. Through artworks and artists working within the vast scope of environmental concerns. students learn about energy, waste, climate change, technology, sustainability, etc., as well as about creative ecological processes and the relationships between materials, tools, and ecosystems.

      • ARTS 236 - Land and Passage
        FDRHA Fine Arts Distribution

        This course demonstrates how sculpture can be expanded to include places, passing through places, ecology, and ephemeral installations. Students will develop art processes to articulate a variety of human relationships with environmental sites, and more generally, the exterior. We will study historical and contemporary examples of sculpture and art practices that utilize visual arts to express the complexities of environmental subjects. The course will include projects to develop an expanded definition of sculpture by investigating local geography, regarding comparative sites as subjects, reviewing material history, and considering the ways that passage through local places can constitute both form and meaning. Course work includes readings, in-class discussions, research, and creating projects using traditional and found materials.

      • ENGL 207 - Eco-Writing
        FDRHA Fine Arts Distribution

        An expeditionary, multi-genre course (fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry) in environmental creative writing. Readings focus on contemporary "EcoWriters." We take weekly expeditions, including creative writing hikes, a creative writing visit to a Thai Forest Buddhist monastery, and a creative writing visit to the workshops of a landscape painter and bloomsmith. The course involves moderate to challenging hiking. We research the science and social science of the ecosystems explored, as well as the language of those ecosystems. The course has two primary aspects: (1) reading and literary analysis of multi-genre eco-literature and (2) developing skill and craft in creating EcoWriting through the act of writing in these genres and through participation in "writing workshop."

      • ENGL 214 - Environmental Poetry Workshop
        FDRHA Fine Arts Distribution

        A single-genre poetry course in the practice of writing environmental poetry, involving poetry workshops, the literary study of environmental poetry (historical and contemporary), and critical writing.

      • ENGL 263 - Nature as Self: Environmental Literature in the Anthropocene
        FDRHL Literature Distribution

        This course will study American fascinations with ideas of "Nature" and "Self" as they manifest in contemporary literature and thought. We will discuss the implications of these categories for humans as members of ecosystems as well as of "advanced societies." We will read essays, novels, and poetry at the cutting edge of American environmental writing, as well as those who contribute to its historical path. We will test our own understandings of human roles in relation to the greater-than-human world and will consider implications that these understandings may carry for the individual life as well as for a globalized world in which ecological issues are of great concern.

      • or when appropriate, and approved in advance,

      • ENGL 293 - Topics in American Literature
        FDRHL Literature Distribution
        Prerequisitecompletion of FDR:FW requirement

        Studies in American literature, supported by attention to historical contexts. Versions of this course may survey several periods or concentrate on a group of works from a short span of time. Students develop their analytical writing skills in a series of short papers.

      • ENGL 393 - Topics in Literature in English from 1700-1900
        FDRHL Literature Distribution
        Prerequisitean English course numbered between 201 and 295 and another English course numbered between 222 and 299

        A seminar course on literature written in English from 1700 to 1900 with special emphasis on research and discussion. Student suggestions for topics are welcome.

      • ENGL 394 - Topics in Literature in English since 1900
        FDRHL Literature Distribution
        Prerequisitean English course numbered between 201 and 295 and another English course numbered between 222 and 299

        A seminar course on literature written in English since 1900 with special emphasis on research and discussion. Student suggestions for topics are welcome.

    • Two additional courses:

      chosen from:

      • ARTS 214 - Drawing from the Environment
        FDRHA Fine Arts Distribution
        PrerequisiteARTS 111

        This intensive, place-based drawing course allows students to practice drawing skills, encourages students to think about the conceptual content of drawings, and requires students to produce a series of drawing projects informed and constrained by a specific natural environment.  The class includes instruction on the environmental context of our course location, including instruction in the ecology, natural history, and geology.  Nearly all of the course occurs outside.  Image presentations, readings and discussions about place-based and site-oriented art provide a conceptual foundation.

      • ARTS 233 - Eco Art
        FDRHA Fine Arts Distribution

        This course treads on the uncharted territory that lies between contemporary art practices and environmental activism, thus redefining cultural norms about the objectives and potential instrumental values of contemporary art. Eco artists replace conventional art store supplies with living plants and microbes, mud and feathers, electronic transmissions and digital imagery, temperature and wind. Through artworks and artists working within the vast scope of environmental concerns. students learn about energy, waste, climate change, technology, sustainability, etc., as well as about creative ecological processes and the relationships between materials, tools, and ecosystems.

      • ARTS 236 - Land and Passage
        FDRHA Fine Arts Distribution

        This course demonstrates how sculpture can be expanded to include places, passing through places, ecology, and ephemeral installations. Students will develop art processes to articulate a variety of human relationships with environmental sites, and more generally, the exterior. We will study historical and contemporary examples of sculpture and art practices that utilize visual arts to express the complexities of environmental subjects. The course will include projects to develop an expanded definition of sculpture by investigating local geography, regarding comparative sites as subjects, reviewing material history, and considering the ways that passage through local places can constitute both form and meaning. Course work includes readings, in-class discussions, research, and creating projects using traditional and found materials.

      • ECON 286 - Lakota Land Culture, Economics and History

        (SOAN 286)

        FDRSS4 Social Science - Group 4 Distribution
        PrerequisiteECON 100, ECON 101, ECON 180, or ECON 180A

        Same as SOAN 286. This class focuses on the cultural, economic, and historical dimensions of the Lakotas' (Titonwan tawapi ) ties to their lands as expressed in their pre- and post-reservation lifeways. It includes a 10 day field trip to western South Dakota to visit and meet with people in the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations and the Black Hills.

      • ENGL 207 - Eco-Writing
        FDRHA Fine Arts Distribution

        An expeditionary, multi-genre course (fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry) in environmental creative writing. Readings focus on contemporary "EcoWriters." We take weekly expeditions, including creative writing hikes, a creative writing visit to a Thai Forest Buddhist monastery, and a creative writing visit to the workshops of a landscape painter and bloomsmith. The course involves moderate to challenging hiking. We research the science and social science of the ecosystems explored, as well as the language of those ecosystems. The course has two primary aspects: (1) reading and literary analysis of multi-genre eco-literature and (2) developing skill and craft in creating EcoWriting through the act of writing in these genres and through participation in "writing workshop."

      • ENGL 214 - Environmental Poetry Workshop
        FDRHA Fine Arts Distribution

        A single-genre poetry course in the practice of writing environmental poetry, involving poetry workshops, the literary study of environmental poetry (historical and contemporary), and critical writing.

      • ENGL 263 - Nature as Self: Environmental Literature in the Anthropocene

        (ENV 263)

        FDRHL Literature Distribution

        This course will study American fascinations with ideas of "Nature" and "Self" as they manifest in contemporary literature and thought. We will discuss the implications of these categories for humans as members of ecosystems as well as of "advanced societies." We will read essays, novels, and poetry at the cutting edge of American environmental writing, as well as those who contribute to its historical path. We will test our own understandings of human roles in relation to the greater-than-human world and will consider implications that these understandings may carry for the individual life as well as for a globalized world in which ecological issues are of great concern.

      • ENV 250 - Ecology of Place
        Prerequisiteinstructor consent

        Think globally, study locally. This course explores globally significant environmental issues such as biodiversity conservation, sustainable delivery of ecosystem goods and services, and environmental justice, as they are manifested on a local/regional scale. We examine interactions among ethical, ecological, and economic concerns that shape these issues. Students are fully engaged in the development of policy recommendations that could guide relevant decision makers. The course incorporates readings, field trips, films, and discussions with invited experts.

      • ENV 282 - Commodification of Nature

        (SOAN 282)


        This course studies the nature-society relationship in the colonial and modern world by analyzing the history of instrumental raw materials that have been commodified as part of the development of capitalism. Drawing on dependency, unequal exchange, and world-systems theories, we will examine commodity chains and trade relations between the Global North and the Global South, with an emphasis on ecological and social issues. We will also analyze environmental justice topics related to these episodes, as well as possible paths to transcend the asymmetric cross-national power relations characterizing the modern world. The course is also intended to help students develop their analytical thinking, writing, research, and communication skills. 

      • ENV 365 - Seminar in Environmental Ethics

        (PHIL 365)

        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        Same as PHIL 365. This course examines selected topics in environmental ethics. Topics may vary from year to year, and include the proper meanings and goals of environmentalism; the goals and methods of conservation biology; major environmental issues in current political debates; and balancing the ethical concerns of environmental justice and our responsibilities to future generations.

      • HIST 288 - Key Thinkers on the Environment

        (ENV 288)

        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        Same as HIST 288. Key thinkers on the environment are central to this course, ranging from ancient greats such as Aristotle to modern writers such as David Suzuki and E.O. Wilson about the ecosystem crises of the Anthropocene. We highlight certain 19th-century icons of environmentalist awareness and nature preservation, such as Alexander von Humboldt in Europe and Humboldtians in America, including Frederic Edwin Church and Henry David Thoreau.

      • PHIL 150 - Ethics and the Environment
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        This course is a philosophical exploration of one's responsibilities to the natural world. It has three main objectives: first, to provide an understanding of different dominant ethical theories and their application to animals, plants, and ecosystems; second, to provide an understanding of major environmental issues in current political debates, such as climate change, species preservation, and sustainable development; and third, to facilitate the development of a student's own ethic towards the environment. 

      • REL 207 - Nature and Place
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        Same as ENV 207. Through a consideration of work drawn from diverse disciplines including philosophy, religious studies, literature, art, and anthropology, this course explores a variety of ideas about and experiences of nature and place.

      • REL 285 - Introduction to American Indian Religions

        (SOAN 285)

        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        Same as SOAN 285. This class introduces students to some of the dominant themes, values, beliefs, and practices found among the religions of North America's Indian peoples. The first part of the course explores the importance of sacred power, landscape, and community in traditional Indian spiritualities and rituals. It then examines some of the changes that have occurred in these traditions as a result of western expansion and dominance from the 18th through early 20th centuries. Lastly, the course considers some of the issues and problems confronting contemporary American Indian religions.

      • or when appropriate and approved in advance,

      • BUS 390 - Supervised Study Abroad
        Prerequisiteinstructor consent

        These upper-level courses cover topics of current interest in business administration for which international travel provides a unique opportunity for enhancing understanding. Emphasis changes from year to year. Prerequisites as specified by the instructor and approval of the International Education Committee.

      • ENGL 293 - Topics in American Literature
        FDRHL Literature Distribution
        Prerequisitecompletion of FDR:FW requirement

        Studies in American literature, supported by attention to historical contexts. Versions of this course may survey several periods or concentrate on a group of works from a short span of time. Students develop their analytical writing skills in a series of short papers.

      • ENGL 393 - Topics in Literature in English from 1700-1900
        FDRHL Literature Distribution
        Prerequisitean English course numbered between 201 and 295 and another English course numbered between 222 and 299

        A seminar course on literature written in English from 1700 to 1900 with special emphasis on research and discussion. Student suggestions for topics are welcome.

      • ENGL 394 - Topics in Literature in English since 1900
        FDRHL Literature Distribution
        Prerequisitean English course numbered between 201 and 295 and another English course numbered between 222 and 299

        A seminar course on literature written in English since 1900 with special emphasis on research and discussion. Student suggestions for topics are welcome.

  21. Sustainable Commerce Elective Track
  22. Only one course below used to fulfill the Sustainable Commerce track can be from the 100-level.

    • Required:
      • BUS 381 - Social Entrepreneurship
        Prerequisiteat least sophomore class standing

        Social entrepreneurship is an approach to creating system-level change though the application of entrepreneurial thinking and problem solving to social ventures, non-profit organizations, government institutions, and non-governmental organizations to create economic, environmental, and social value for multiple stakeholders. The purpose of this class is to (a) introduce students to the strategic thinking that forms the foundation of successful entrepreneurial ventures, (b) engage students in the application of these strategic tools and frameworks through case analyses and discussion, and (c) to encourage students to change the world in a meaningful way by thinking about a social venture of their own.

    • Core Social Science:

      take nine credits chosen from at least two departments from the following:

      • ACCT 303 - Sustainability Accounting
        PrerequisiteACCT 100

        This course examines best practices and key debates in sustainability accounting and corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting. Sustainable business practices meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future. Increasingly, accountants are playing an important role in measuring, reporting, and auditing corporate impacts on society and the environment so that corporations can be held accountable and more sustainable business practices can be implemented.

      • BUS 180 - FS: First-Year Seminar
        Prerequisitefirst-year student class standing

        Topics vary by subject and term.

      • BUS 390 - Supervised Study Abroad
        Prerequisiteinstructor consent

        These upper-level courses cover topics of current interest in business administration for which international travel provides a unique opportunity for enhancing understanding. Emphasis changes from year to year. Prerequisites as specified by the instructor and approval of the International Education Committee.

      • BUS 392 - Layered Berlin: German Culture and the Social Market Economy
        Prerequisiteinstructor consent

        Same as GERM 392. A four-week course taught abroad that offers students a true immersion in German language, culture, and business environment. In order to give students a complete understanding of contemporary Germany, we integrate a literary-historical analysis of the country's rich history from 1848 to the present day with an introduction to German social and economic system that focuses on stakeholder-centric business and sustainability principles. Through an exciting mix of literary fiction, historical readings and cases, film screenings, along with corporate and cultural site visits, students gain an understanding of the interdependence between big C" Culture and business culture."

      • ECON 255 - Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
        PrerequisiteECON 100, 180, 180A, or both ECON 101 and ECON 102

        The course serves as an introduction to environmental and natural resource economics. Economic principles are used to evaluate public and private decision making involving the management and use of environmental and natural resources. Aspects pertaining to fisheries, forests, species diversity, agriculture, and various policies to reduce air, water and toxic pollution will be discussed. Lectures, reading assignments, discussions and exams will emphasize the use of microeconomic analysis for managing and dealing with environmental and natural resource problems and issues.

      • ECON 276 - Health Economics in Developing Countries
        PrerequisiteECON 100, ECON 101, ECON 180, or ECON 180A

        A survey of the major issues of health economics. with a focus on developing countries (although the issues are also relevant for developed countries, including the U.S. Economic modeling of health-related issues, supply and demand of health, cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis, health goals, and policy alternatives. Economic epidemiology, including HIV/AIDS. Selected case studies. Group project, where the group selects a developing country for which a policy proposal is then developed for a health-related policy issue of the group's choice.

      • ECON 280 - Development Economics
        PrerequisiteECON 100, ECON 180, or ECON 180A; or both ECON 101 and ECON 102

        A survey of the major issues of development economics. Economic structure of low-income countries and primary causes for their limited economic growth. Economic goals and policy alternatives. Role of developed countries in the development of poor countries. Selected case studies.

      • ECON 356 - Economics of the Environment in Developing Countries
        PrerequisiteECON 203 and either ECON 255 or ECON 280

        This course focuses on the unique characteristics of the relationship between the environment and the economy in developing nations. Differences in economic structure, political structure, culture, social organization and ecosystem dynamics are emphasized as alternative policies for environmental and resource management are analyzed.

      • ENV 282 - Commodification of Nature

        (SOAN 282)


        This course studies the nature-society relationship in the colonial and modern world by analyzing the history of instrumental raw materials that have been commodified as part of the development of capitalism. Drawing on dependency, unequal exchange, and world-systems theories, we will examine commodity chains and trade relations between the Global North and the Global South, with an emphasis on ecological and social issues. We will also analyze environmental justice topics related to these episodes, as well as possible paths to transcend the asymmetric cross-national power relations characterizing the modern world. The course is also intended to help students develop their analytical thinking, writing, research, and communication skills. 

      • POL 233 - Environmental Policy and Law
        FDRSS2 Social Science - Group 2 Distribution
        PrerequisiteECON 100, ECON 101, ECON 180, ECON 180A, or POL 100

        A study of major environmental laws and the history of their enactment and implementation. Discusses different theoretical approaches from law, ethics, politics, and economics. Reviews significant case law and the legal context. Emphasis is on domestic policy with some attention to international law and treaties.

      • POL 268 - Migration, Identity, and Conflict
        FDRSS4 Social Science - Group 4 Distribution
        PrerequisiteSOAN 102, POV 101, or POL 105

        Same as SOAN 268. This course focuses on the complex relationship between migration, political institutions, group identities, and inter-group conflict. The course is a hybrid of a seminar and research lab in which students (a) read some of the key social-scientific literature on these subjects, and (b) conduct team-based research making use of existing survey data about the integration of migrant populations into various polities.

      • SOAN 266 - Neighborhoods and Inequality
        FDRSS3 Social Science - Group 3 Distribution
        PrerequisiteOne of the following: BIOL 201, CBSC 250, ECON 202, POL/INTR 202, MATH 118, MATH 310, SOAN 218, or SOAN 222; or instructor consent

        This course examines the ways in which residential context relates to social and economic inequalities. Drawing on empirical literature from sociology and related fields, we consider both (a) how residential contexts may shape individuals' opportunities and (b) the factors that may shape the persistence or change of concentrated advantage and disadvantage across those residential settings. Half of the course is a traditional seminar and half is a data analysis lab in which we learn tools of spatial data analysis and then apply them in individual student projects on contemporary cities.

      • SOAN 268 - Migration, Identity, and Conflict
        FDRSS4 Social Science - Group 4 Distribution
        PrerequisiteSOAN 102, POV 101, or POL 105

        Same as POL 268. This course focuses on the complex relationship between migration, political institutions, group identities, and inter-group conflict. The course is a hybrid of a seminar and research lab in which students (a) read some of the key social-scientific literature on these subjects, and (b) conduct team-based research making use of existing survey data about the integration of migrant populations into various polities.

      • And, when approved in advance,

      • ECON 295 - Special Topics in Economics
        PrerequisiteECON 100, ECON 180, or ECON 180A; or both ECON 101 and ECON 102

        Course emphasis and prerequisites change from term to term and are announced prior to preregistration. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. A maximum of nine credits chosen from all special topics in economics courses may be used, with permission of the department head, toward requirements for the economics major. Prerequisites may vary with topic. Preference to ECON majors during the first round of registration. Other majors are encouraged to add to the waiting list after registration re-opens for all class years. 

      • ENV 295 - Special Topics in Environmental Studies
        PrerequisiteENV 110 or BIOL 111

        This course examines special topics in environmental studies, such as ecotourism, the environment and development, local environmental issues, values and the environment, global fisheries, global climate change, tropical deforestation and similar topics of importance, which could change from year to year. This is a research-intensive course where the student would be expected to write a significant paper, either individually or as part of a group, of sufficient quality to be made useful to the scholarly and policy communities.

    • Climate / Ecosystem Science

      Take three credits chosen from the following:

      • BIOL 330 - Experimental Botany: Global Climate Change
        PrerequisiteBIOL 111, 113, and either a Biology, Bioengineering, or Environmental Studies major

        Lectures focus on the major impacts of global climate change (elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and elevated temperatures) on plant function (photosynthesis and respiration) and plant communities. Additional topics include global carbon budgets, plant carbon sequestration, and agricultural impacts. Participants review the pertinent primary literature and conduct a term-long laboratory research project. Laboratory course.

      • BIOL 332 - Plant Functional Ecology

        The emphasis and location of the study area differs from year to year. Information regarding the specific course topic and field trip schedule is made available in the fall. Through novel research projects in a variety of field settings (e.g., on-campus, Appalachian and Blue Ridge Mountains, The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem), this field-based laboratory course covers topics which investigate the vital roles that plants play in shaping Earth's ecosystems. Topics focus on the responses of native plants to environmental stresses, such as global climate change (elevated temperature and carbon dioxide and drought), herbivory, and invasive species. Field and laboratory exercises focus on testing hypotheses through experiments using a variety of species from intact plant communities. A review of the pertinent literature is used to develop and conduct a term research project. Laboratory course. Additional course fee required, for which the student is responsible after Friday of the 7th week of winter term.

      • ENV 250 - Ecology of Place
        Prerequisiteinstructor consent

        Think globally, study locally. This course explores globally significant environmental issues such as biodiversity conservation, sustainable delivery of ecosystem goods and services, and environmental justice, as they are manifested on a local/regional scale. We examine interactions among ethical, ecological, and economic concerns that shape these issues. Students are fully engaged in the development of policy recommendations that could guide relevant decision makers. The course incorporates readings, field trips, films, and discussions with invited experts.

      • EEG 141 - Global Climate Change
        FDRSC Science, Math, CS Distribution

        A study of Earth's complex climate system and the impact of human activities on future climates. Through readings, discussions, data analyses and modeling exercises, the past and future changes in temperature, ocean circulation, rainfall, storminess, biogeochemistry, glacial ice extent and sea level are explored.

    • Human Dimensions

      Take three credits chosen from the following:

      • ENV 365 - Seminar in Environmental Ethics

        (PHIL 365)

        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        Same as PHIL 365. This course examines selected topics in environmental ethics. Topics may vary from year to year, and include the proper meanings and goals of environmentalism; the goals and methods of conservation biology; major environmental issues in current political debates; and balancing the ethical concerns of environmental justice and our responsibilities to future generations.

      • HIST 254 - History of the U.S. Welfare State
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        A survey of the history of the U.S. welfare state from the 19th century through today. Topics include Social Security, welfare, the War on Poverty and Great Society, the Reagan-Era War on Welfare. Students analyze contemporary public-policy questions in their historical dimensions, and use historical knowledge to better understand contemporary political and policy debates.

      • HIST 268 - Building a Suburban Nation: Race, Class, and Politics in Postwar America
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        Together, the overdevelopment of the suburbs and the underdevelopment of urban centers have profoundly shaped American culture, politics and society in the post-WWII period. This course examines the origins and consequences of suburbanization after 1945. Topics include the growth of the national state, the origins and consequences of suburbanization, the making of the white middle class, the War on Poverty, welfare and taxpayers rights" movements, "black power," and how popular culture has engaged with questions about race and class. In the process of understanding the historical roots of contemporary racial and class advantage and disadvantage, this course will shed new light on contemporary public policy dilemmas.

      • PHIL 150 - Ethics and the Environment
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        This course is a philosophical exploration of one's responsibilities to the natural world. It has three main objectives: first, to provide an understanding of different dominant ethical theories and their application to animals, plants, and ecosystems; second, to provide an understanding of major environmental issues in current political debates, such as climate change, species preservation, and sustainable development; and third, to facilitate the development of a student's own ethic towards the environment. 

      • PHIL 242 - Social Inequality and Fair Opportunity
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        An exploration of the different range of opportunities available to various social groups, including racial, ethnic and sexual minorities, women, people with low incomes, and people facing poverty. Topics include how to define fair equality of opportunity; the social mechanisms that play a role in expanding and limiting opportunity; legal and group-initiated strategies aimed at effecting fair equality of opportunity and the theoretical foundations of these strategies; as well as an analysis of the concepts of equality, merit and citizenship, and their value to individuals and society.

      • PHIL 245 - Poverty, Dignity, and Human Rights
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        Same as POV 245. Is severe poverty a human rights violation? This course examines that question and others by means of an investigation of the main philosophical and religious debates about human rights. More broadly, the course provides students with the opportunity to examine our duties (individually and collectively) to those said to suffer from any human rights abuse. Questions considered include: Are human rights universal or culturally specific? What (if anything) grounds human rights? Are religious justifications of rights permissible in a pluralistic world? Is dignity a useful concept for defending and/or discerning human rights? Do we only have liberty rights (to be free of mistreatment) or do we also have welfare rights (to claim certain positive treatment from others)? What are the practical (moral, political. and legal) implications of identifying severe poverty as a human rights violation?

      • REL 207 - Nature and Place
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        Same as ENV 207. Through a consideration of work drawn from diverse disciplines including philosophy, religious studies, literature, art, and anthropology, this course explores a variety of ideas about and experiences of nature and place.

      • SOAN 228 - Race and Ethnic Relations
        FDRSS4 Social Science - Group 4 Distribution

        An examination of why and how society creates and maintains racial and ethnic boundaries in the US. We discuss some of the crucial questions, which include: What conditions constitute a privileged group and an oppressed group? Why and how do racial/ethnic minority groups, the poor, and women experience discrimination, oppression, and exclusion in social life? Is there any racial discrimination against privileged racial/ethnic groups? How can ordinary people, policymakers, and social scientists contribute to improving race and ethnic relations among different social groups in the US?

      • SOAN 264 - States, Data, and Population Policies in the Americas
        FDRSS4 Social Science - Group 4 Distribution
        PrerequisiteSOAN 101, SOAN 102, POV 101, or LACS 101

        While concentrating on the societies of the Americas, students focus on two of the main domains within which states seek to understand and influence populations: policies governing the collection of information about their residents, such as the census, and those governing migration. The course is made up of two interwoven parts, a traditional seminar portion that examines such policies from the perspective of historical sociology and a data-lab portion in which we perform exploratory visualization of historical and contemporary census and migration data from the region, using the "tidyverse" suite of R packages. We reflect critically on our own work, making use of perspectives afforded by the historical sociology portion of the course.

      • POV 101 - Poverty and Human Capability: An Interdisciplinary Introduction
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution
        Prerequisitehas not completed POV 103

        An exploration of the nature, scope, causes, effects and possible remedies for poverty as a social, moral, political and policy, economic, legal, psychological, religious, and biological problem. The course focuses on domestic poverty but also considers poverty as a global problem.

      • POV 103 - Poverty and Human Capability: An Interdisciplinary Introduction and Fieldwork
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution
        Prerequisitehas not completed either POV 101 or POV 102

        An exploration of the nature, scope, causes, effects, and possible remedies for poverty as a social, moral, political and policy, economic, legal, psychological, religious, and biological problem. The course focuses on domestic poverty in the United States but also considers poverty as a global problem. This spring term version of the course integrates service fieldwork into the introductory course taught in the fall and winter and offers the same credit as POV 101 and 102 combined.

      • POV 453 - Shepherd Summer Internship

        Supervised work with agencies in business and economic development, community organizing, education, environmental advocacy, health care, law, religious ministry, and social services that engage impoverished persons and communities. Eight weeks of full-time work is preceded by an orientation to prepare the interns and followed by a closing conference for interns to reflect critically on what they have learned. W&L students work with students from other participating colleges. Students keep journals reflecting on their work. Financial support is available; in rare instances the Shepherd Program director may approve other internship programs to meet this requirement, but approval must be in advance with special conditions and stipulations.

  23. Water Resources Elective Track
  24. (5 courses, at least 17 credits)

    • Human Dimensions:

      take two courses chosen from:

      • ECON 255 - Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
        PrerequisiteECON 100, 180, 180A, or both ECON 101 and ECON 102

        The course serves as an introduction to environmental and natural resource economics. Economic principles are used to evaluate public and private decision making involving the management and use of environmental and natural resources. Aspects pertaining to fisheries, forests, species diversity, agriculture, and various policies to reduce air, water and toxic pollution will be discussed. Lectures, reading assignments, discussions and exams will emphasize the use of microeconomic analysis for managing and dealing with environmental and natural resource problems and issues.

      • ECON 286 - Lakota Land Culture, Economics and History

        (SOAN 286)

        FDRSS4 Social Science - Group 4 Distribution
        PrerequisiteECON 100, ECON 101, ECON 180, or ECON 180A

        Same as SOAN 286. This class focuses on the cultural, economic, and historical dimensions of the Lakotas' (Titonwan tawapi ) ties to their lands as expressed in their pre- and post-reservation lifeways. It includes a 10 day field trip to western South Dakota to visit and meet with people in the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations and the Black Hills.

      • ENV 250 - Ecology of Place
        Prerequisiteinstructor consent

        Think globally, study locally. This course explores globally significant environmental issues such as biodiversity conservation, sustainable delivery of ecosystem goods and services, and environmental justice, as they are manifested on a local/regional scale. We examine interactions among ethical, ecological, and economic concerns that shape these issues. Students are fully engaged in the development of policy recommendations that could guide relevant decision makers. The course incorporates readings, field trips, films, and discussions with invited experts.

      • ENV 282 - Commodification of Nature

        (SOAN 282)


        This course studies the nature-society relationship in the colonial and modern world by analyzing the history of instrumental raw materials that have been commodified as part of the development of capitalism. Drawing on dependency, unequal exchange, and world-systems theories, we will examine commodity chains and trade relations between the Global North and the Global South, with an emphasis on ecological and social issues. We will also analyze environmental justice topics related to these episodes, as well as possible paths to transcend the asymmetric cross-national power relations characterizing the modern world. The course is also intended to help students develop their analytical thinking, writing, research, and communication skills. 

      • ENV 365 - Seminar in Environmental Ethics

        (PHIL 365)

        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        Same as PHIL 365. This course examines selected topics in environmental ethics. Topics may vary from year to year, and include the proper meanings and goals of environmentalism; the goals and methods of conservation biology; major environmental issues in current political debates; and balancing the ethical concerns of environmental justice and our responsibilities to future generations.

      • PHIL 150 - Ethics and the Environment
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        This course is a philosophical exploration of one's responsibilities to the natural world. It has three main objectives: first, to provide an understanding of different dominant ethical theories and their application to animals, plants, and ecosystems; second, to provide an understanding of major environmental issues in current political debates, such as climate change, species preservation, and sustainable development; and third, to facilitate the development of a student's own ethic towards the environment. 

      • POL 233 - Environmental Policy and Law
        FDRSS2 Social Science - Group 2 Distribution
        PrerequisiteECON 100, ECON 101, ECON 180, ECON 180A, or POL 100

        A study of major environmental laws and the history of their enactment and implementation. Discusses different theoretical approaches from law, ethics, politics, and economics. Reviews significant case law and the legal context. Emphasis is on domestic policy with some attention to international law and treaties.

      • SOAN 285 - Introduction to American Indian Religions
        FDRHU Humanities Distribution

        Same as REL 285. This class introduces students to some of the dominant themes, values, beliefs, and practices found among the religions of North America's Indian peoples. The first part of the course explores the importance of sacred power, landscape, and community in traditional Indian spiritualities and rituals. It then examines some of the changes that have occurred in these traditions as a result of western expansion and dominance from the 18th through early 20th centuries. Lastly, the course considers some of the issues and problems confronting contemporary American Indian religions.

      • or when appropriate and approved in advance,

      • ECON 288 - Supervised Study Abroad
        Prerequisiteinstructor consent

        For advanced students, the course covers a topic of current interest for which foreign travel provides a unique opportunity for significantly greater understanding. Likely destinations are Europe, Latin America, Africa, or Asia. Emphasis and location changes from year to year and is announced each year, well in advance of registration. This course may not be repeated. Other prerequisites as specified by the instructor(s).

      • ECON 395 - Special Topics in Economics
        PrerequisiteECON 203

        Course emphasis and prerequisites change from term to term and will be announced prior to preregistration. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. A maximum of nine credits chosen from all special topics in economics courses may be used, with permission of the department head, toward requirements for the economics major. Prerequisite varies with topic. Prerequisite: ECON 203.

    • Science:

      take three courses chosen from the following, including two laboratory courses (indicated by *):

      • BIOL 217 - Aquatic Ecology


        PrerequisiteBIOL 111, 113, and a MATH course numbered 101 or greater

        This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the ecology of freshwater systems, with laboratory emphasis on streams and rivers in the local area. It includes a review of the physical and biological properties of freshwater ecosystems as well as current issues relating to their conservation. Laboratory activities focus around monitoring the impacts of current stream restoration efforts in local watersheds.

      • EEG 141 - Global Climate Change
        FDRSC Science, Math, CS Distribution

        A study of Earth's complex climate system and the impact of human activities on future climates. Through readings, discussions, data analyses and modeling exercises, the past and future changes in temperature, ocean circulation, rainfall, storminess, biogeochemistry, glacial ice extent and sea level are explored.

      • EEG 150 - Water Resources
        FDRSC Science, Math, CS Distribution

        In this course, we will explore the fundamental role of water in shaping our lives and our planet. We will dive into the relationship between human societies and freshwater resources that impact drinking water availability, water pollution, water scarcity, etc. We will also learn about the components of the earth's hydrosphere and their interactions with special focus on freshwater resources. The course will focus on water crisis issues from various parts of the world and discuss potential remediation plans.

      • EEG 155 - Oceanography
        FDRSC Science, Math, CS Distribution

        Introduction to physical oceanography and marine geology; tides, waves, currents, and the interaction of oceans and atmosphere; submarine landscapes; and sedimentary, volcanic, and tectonic activity in the ocean basins.

      • EEG 240 - Hydrology


        Prerequisiteor Corequisite: EEG 100, EEG 101, EEG 102, EEG 103, EEG 105, EEG 107, or EEG 200

        Systems and processes of water movement on and below the Earth's surface. Encompasses the theoretical and applied aspects of soil moisture, runoff, flooding, groundwater movement, and water-well use. Numerical evaluation of flow properties from field and lab data describing water movement in soils, aquifers, and streams.

      • EEG 247 - Geomorphology


        Prerequisiteor Corequisite: EEG 100, EEG 101, EEG 102, EEG 103, EEG 105, EEG 107, or EEG 200

        Investigation of earth-surface landforms and processes from maps, aerial photographs, and digital data. Includes numerical analysis and modeling of surface process systems and the deep history of our palimpsest Appalachian landscape. Laboratory activities include identification and interpretation of topography, field measurements of soil, unconsolidated materials, landform shapes, and erosional processes. Laboratory course.

      • EEG 248 - Earth and Environmental Geochemistry


        Prerequisiteor Corequisite: EEG 100, EEG 101, EEG 102, EEG 103, EEG 105, EEG 107, or EEG 200

        In this course, students will learn the fundamental geochemical concepts that govern the ways in which matter is distributed and transported across our planet, grounded in an environmental context.  Students will engage with the fundamental principles of geochemistry and apply their knowledge to understand the major controls on water and soil health, the (in)stability of minerals, weathering processes, radionuclides, and the origin and distribution of elements throughout our planet and solar system. A particular emphasis is given to one of the most important topics of today and its connections to climate change - carbonate geochemistry. The course emphasizes reading scientific literature and improving scientific communication, learning analytical techniques, and using of instrumentation to complete field and laboratory-based projects.  

      • EEG 314 - Environmental Field Methods


        Prerequisiteor Corequisite: EEG 100, EEG 101, EEG 102, EEG 103, EEG 105, EEG 107, or EEG 200

        An introduction to the study of standard methods, equipment and tools used in environmental field investigations. Special attention is given to methods used by geoscientists to measure, record, and report field observations associated with groundwater, surface water, soil and air. Focus is given to the validity of data obtained using various investigative strategies as well as data handling and presentation. The course has an intensive field component using the local watershed as a model environmental system.

      • EEG 316 - GIS and Remote Sensing

        * (with water-resources course project)

        Prerequisiteor Corequisite: EEG 100, EEG 101, EEG 102, EEG 103, EEG 105, EEG 107, or EEG 200

        A laboratory course introducing the use of a Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing in geological/environmental analyses and decision making. Students use state-of-the-art software with a wide variety of spatial geologic, environmental, economic and topographic data derived from satellites; remote databases and published maps to evaluate geologic conditions; local landscape processes; environmental conditions; and hypothetical land-use cases.

      • EEG 340 - Hydrologic Modeling
        Prerequisiteor Corequisite: EEG 100, EEG 101, EEG 102, EEG 103, EEG 105, EEG 107, or EEG 200

        This course is an introduction to hydrologic modeling. We will become familiar with some widely used hydrologic models. We gain expertise in preparing data, modeling rainfall and runoff in watersheds, simulating aquifer and groundwater flow, and analyzing water chemistry and contamination. We will delve into hypotheses testing, predicting future and hypothetical scenarios, and explore how models contribute to informed decision-making processes.

      • and when appropriate, and approved in advance,

      • BIOL 195 - Topics in Biology

        Biology topics appropriate for first-year students. Topics vary with instructor and term. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

      • EEG 105 - Earth Lab
        FDRSL Lab Science Distribution

        The primary goal of this course is an in-depth introduction to a particular region or topic of geoscience for introductory level science students. Preference given to first-years and sophomores. The emphasis and location of the study area differs from year to year. Most course activity involves outside field work or a series of multi-day to multi-week field trips. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different but only four credits may be used toward major requirements. Additional course fee required, for which the student is responsible after Friday of the 7th week of winter term.

      • EEG 373 - Regional Geology
        PrerequisiteEEG 100, EEG 101, EEG 102, EEG 103, EEG 105, EEG 107, or EEG 200 and instructor consent

        The emphasis and location of the study area differs from year to year. Most course activity involves outside fieldwork with a series of multi-day to multi-week field trips.

      • ENV 295 - Special Topics in Environmental Studies
        PrerequisiteENV 110 or BIOL 111

        This course examines special topics in environmental studies, such as ecotourism, the environment and development, local environmental issues, values and the environment, global fisheries, global climate change, tropical deforestation and similar topics of importance, which could change from year to year. This is a research-intensive course where the student would be expected to write a significant paper, either individually or as part of a group, of sufficient quality to be made useful to the scholarly and policy communities.

  25. Student-Designed Elective Track
  26. Students majoring in environmental studies may propose a self-designed series of "elective" courses that focuses on a particular theme relevant to their individual educational objectives. Students should consult with faculty members in Environmental Studies when developing this proposal and present it to the head of the Environmental Studies Program, along with the major declaration form no later than February 1 of the junior year (though we recommend that students submit proposals in their sophomore year). One of the core or affiliate faculty members in Environmental Studies must be willing to serve as the student's adviser in the major and provide a letter of support for the proposal. Proposals must be approved by the Environmental Studies faculty before the end of the junior year.