2022 Capstone Projects

Ruth Abraham - "Preferences for Intervention Methods of Shared Ecological Resources in Barcelos, Amazonas, Brazil"

Annie Bernot - "Healthcare Sustainability: Repurposing Surgical Sterilization Wraps as a Waste Reduction Strategy"

Adelaide Burton - "Transitioning the Washington & Lee Fleet to Electric Vehicles: A Viability Case Study"

Chris Curtis - "Solutions for protecting vulnerable transportation infrastructure and social equity in Miami-Dade"

Joey Dunn and Justin Littlejohn - "Social enterprise business plan for solutions to mitigate urban heat islands"

Ella Hall - "Environmental and Financial Potential of a Menstrual Cup: A Service Project"

Maya Hernandez - "Voices of the Valley: Oral Histories of Pipeline Resistance"

Sarah Hollen - "The Role of Deliberative Democracy in Environmental Decision-Making: A Case Study of the Thacker Pass Lithium Mining Project"

Nick Greenberg - "Using Social Media to Better Communicate Scientific Research in the Outdoor Community"

Mark Lamendola - "Understanding Patterns and Preferences of Campus Green Space Use at Washington and Lee University"

A.J. Mabaka - "Offshore Wind Energy & Commercial Fisheries Technical Report: Environmental Impact Analysis of the South Fork Wind Farm & Export Cable on the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery"

Bri Mondesir - "Searching for Stability: The Intersections of Environment, Income, and Health"

Judy Park - "The Sinking Village of America: Shismaref, AK"

Whit Rudder - "Maury River Restoration through Community Engagement"