Inclement Weather Policy for Employees

Emergency Closing

There is a need to continue essential services and provide for the University's residential students even in case of extreme adverse weather. Therefore, every effort will be made to maintain the University's normal operations. When there is a closing, shift to remote operations, or a delay, the University will use the following communication outlets:

  • General Alerts
  • University website: 
  • Broadcast e-mail and/or voicemail
  • Radio: WREL FM/WWZW AM (96.7/1450), WMRA FM (89.9), WLUR FM (91.5) WKDW AM (900) 
  • Television: WDBJ (CBS Roanoke), WSLS (NBC Roanoke), WSET (ABC Lynchburg)

The University may operate on schedule or on a remote basis even when area schools and businesses are closed or delayed. Therefore, always check the hotline or website for the latest update or to verify any TV/radio cancellation announcements, because the public media announcements are sometimes erroneous. In remaining open, the University does not advise anyone to travel who feels that they cannot do so safely. Employees should exercise their best personal judgment about their own local road conditions and other safety concerns. Supervisors are encouraged to utilize remote work arrangements when job duties can be performed successfully from remote locations.

University Status

Closed with Essential Employees Reporting:
This status may apply when severe weather conditions or other emergencies interfere with normal operations. Classes will be canceled. Essential employees will be expected to report, unless told not to do so by a supervisor. Under certain circumstances, a limited number of non-essential employees may also be asked to report based on the type of emergency and the specific needs of the campus. A supervisor must have the approval of the appropriate vice president or dean before asking non-essential employees to report.

Remote with Essential Employees Reporting:
This status may apply when severe weather conditions or other emergencies interfere with normal on-campus operations. All scheduled on-campus events will be canceled, and any activities that can be transitioned to remote formats will be rescheduled accordingly. Essential employees are required to report to work unless explicitly instructed otherwise by their supervisor. All non-essential staff will shift to remote work.

Faculty members have full authority to conduct remote instruction or adjust course content to accommodate future class sessions. Faculty who choose not to meet virtually should use the following guidance to plan for missed work: For every hour of in-class activity missed, twice the amount of out-of-class activity should be assigned. Exceptions may be warranted depending on the class type, for instance, laboratory sections.

Delayed Opening:
This status may apply when severe weather conditions may interfere with campus safety or employee travel, but conditions are expected to improve. Classes usually will be held on a published modified schedule. Essential employees will be expected to report as regularly scheduled; non-essential will be expected to report when the University opens. If conditions do not improve, a decision may later be made to close the university.

Early Release:
This status may apply when severe weather conditions interfere with employee travel or with normal operations after the workday has begun. Classes may or may not be cancelled, and some offices may need to continue to operate. As a result, some staff may be asked to remain or, in the case of second or third shift employees, to report to work by the supervisor. An official early release announcement and time will be communicated to all employees via the university communications channels described in this policy. Essential employees will be expected to remain until relieved or notified by their supervisors to leave. Employees must make individual decisions about whether to travel between the university and home based on local conditions.

Pay Policies during a Closing, Delay or Early Release

In the event of inclement weather and the delay, shift to remote operations, or closing of the University or early release of employees, the following provisions apply to reporting to work and compensation.

Non-Essential Employees

Delayed Opening: Regularly scheduled hours prior to the delayed opening should be charged to "Campus Closure (not worked)." Employees who report to work later than the delayed opening should charge the time between the opening until their arrival to CTO. Employees who do not report to work should use CTO for the entire day. Alternatively, and with supervisor approval, time can be made up during the same pay period.

Remote Operation: Regularly scheduled hours performed on a remote basis will be paid at the regular rate of pay. Employees who do not work their regularly scheduled hours should use CTO to record unworked time. Alternatively, and with supervisor approval, time can be made up during the same pay period.

Early Release: Regularly scheduled hours after the early release should be charged to "Campus Closure (not worked)." Employees who leave work earlier than the early release, should charge the time between their departure and the early release to CTO. Employees who do not report to work should use CTO for the entire day. Employees who leave work early without an official closing or early release will need to charge that time to CTO. Alternatively, and with supervisor approval, time can be made up during the same pay period.

Non-essential employees who are not asked to report as outlined above will receive no additional compensation if they choose to work when the University has been delayed, closed or if there is an early release.

Essential Employees

Because of the essential nature of their work, employees in the Student Health Center, and specified employees in Facilities Management, Athletics, Public Safety and Dining Services, are expected to report to work as close to schedule as possible, or to continue to work their regular schedule, even when the university is closed, unless they are specifically instructed otherwise. Non-benefit-eligible employees in these departments, if scheduled to work or called in to work, are also considered essential. Additional essential personnel are designated by Human Resources based on the circumstances of the closing.

Hourly paid essential employees identified above are eligible for double-time for the hours deemed applicable by Human Resources after the event has ended.