Course Offerings

Fall 2024

See complete information about these courses in the course offerings database. For more information about a specific course, including course type, schedule and location, click on its title.

Senior Capstone in East Asian Studies

EAS 391 - Bello, David A. / Zhu, Yanhong

Weekly seminar in East Asian studies that focuses on research tools and methodology. Students develop and present to the group their capstone proposals. Additional presentations by East Asian Studies faculty and guest speakers.

Senior Capstone in East Asian Studies

EAS 391 - Wang, Yicheng (Clyde) / Bello, David A.

Weekly seminar in East Asian studies that focuses on research tools and methodology. Students develop and present to the group their capstone proposals. Additional presentations by East Asian Studies faculty and guest speakers.

Spring 2024

We do not offer any courses this term.

Winter 2024

See complete information about these courses in the course offerings database. For more information about a specific course, including course type, schedule and location, click on its title.

Senior Capstone in East Asian Studies

EAS 393 - Bello, David A.

Weekly seminar, focusing on the completion of the capstone project, including a formal presentation of the finished project to East Asian Studies faculty and students. Capstone project.