Hongchu Fu Professor Emeritus of Chinese

Hongchu Fu



Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, UCLA

MA in English Language & Literature, Fudan University

BA in English, Tsitsihar Teachers' College


Premodern Chinese drama, especially Yuan dynasty zaju drama; Chinese language teaching pedagogy; Computer-assisted language teaching


Chinese 111, 112 -- Elementary Intensive Chinese

Chinese 261, 262 -- Intermediate Intensive Chinese

Chinese 301 -- Advanced Chinese

Chinese 312 -- Advanced Chinese II

Lit 218 -- Evolution of Chinese Fiction

Lit 235 -- Tragedies East and West

Selected Publications


Common Chinese Synonyms Discriminated. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2010.

Chinese Drama. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2012.


Yang Zi, Loyal and Righteous Yu Rang Swallows Charcoal: A Play in Four Acts, trans. Hongchu Fu, Journal of Song-Yuan Studies 39 (2009): 99-140.

Reviews, Essays and Articles

Book Review: Stephen H. West and Wilt L. Idema, eds. & trans. Monks, Bandits, Lovers and Immortals: Eleven Early Chinese Plays (2010), CHINOPERL Papers 29 (2011): 261-267.

"An Anomaly in Classical Chinese Drama: Loyal and Righteous Yu Rang Swallows Charcoal," Journal of Song-Yuan Studies 39 (2009): 85-98.

"An Anomaly in Premodern Chinese Drama: Reading Yu Rang Tun Tan," Chinese Kunqu Forum 2008, eds. Tang Yulin and Zhou Qin, Guwuxuan chubanshe, 2009, 107-12.

"On the Etymology and the Semantic Evolution of the Word Liuxuesheng," Studies of Chinese as a Foreign Language from Multiple Perspectives, ed. Cai Changzuo, Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2009, 608-12.

"On the Authorship of Three Zaju Plays Commonly Attributed to Yang Zi," Literary Heritage 6 (2008): 76-83.

"Principles and Issues in Multimedia Courseware Design," Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century, Macau: University of Macau, May 2008, 99-104.

"Development of Teaching Aids at the Electronic Age," Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Internet Chinese Education, ed. Hsin Shih-chang, Taipei: Zhonghua mingguo qiaowu weiyuanhui, 2007, 467-74.

"Teaching of Chinese Lexicon Reconsidered," Essays on Teaching Chinese to American Students, eds. Cheng Aimin, et al., Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2007, 221-24.

"On Teaching Chinese Lexicon," Selected Essays from the Eighth International Symposium on Chinese Pedagogy, ed. Dibajie guoji Hanyu jiaoxue taolunhui lunwenxuan bianji bianweihui, Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2007, 236-41.

"Love from the Hairpin-box and Women as Source of Evil: A Feminist Perspective on Palace of Eternal Youth," Eternal Love: Selected Essays of the International Symposium on the Palace of Eternal Youth, eds. Xie Boliang and Gao Fuming, Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2006, 310-21.

"From Traditional to Electronic Classrooms: Multimedia Chinese Language Teaching," Practice and Research in Computer Assisted Chinese Language Teaching, ed. Zheng Yanqun, Beijing: Commercial Press, 2006, 122-27.

"Stroke Order of Chinese Characters and Computer," Teaching of Chinese Characters and Computer Technology, eds. Ping Xu and Theresa Jen, Taipei: Lianjing shiye chuban gongsi, 2005, 121-30.

Encyclopedia Entries

The Columbia Encyclopedia of Modern Chinese Drama, eds. Gabrielle Cody & Evert Sprinchorn, New York: Columbia University Press, 2007:

I. Biographies:

"Cao Yu"

"Hong Shen"

"Lao She"

"Ma Zhongjun"

"Mei Lanfang"

"Ouyang Yuqian"

"Tian Han"

"Wei Minglun"

"Xiong Foxi"

II. Plays:

"After Reunion"

"Before the New Bureau Director Came"

"Eight Revolutionary Model Plays"

"Hai Rui's Dismissal (Beijing Opera by Wu Han)"

"In a Land of Silence (huaju by Zong Fuxian)"

Works In Progress

Yuan kan zaju sanshi zhong 元刊杂剧三十种 Annotated and Translated, a complete annotation and translation of the only extant collection of thirty Yuan dynasty zaju plays.