Chinese Courses

Fall 2024

See complete information about these courses in the course offerings database. For more information about a specific course, including course type, schedule and location, click on its title.

First-Year Chinese I

CHIN 111 - Elford, Christopher

An introduction to modern spoken and written Chinese. In addition to classroom drill in speaking and reading, extensive use is made of both the language laboratory and the computer in outside preparation.

First-Year Chinese I

CHIN 111 - Li, Sijia (Scarlett)

An introduction to modern spoken and written Chinese. In addition to classroom drill in speaking and reading, extensive use is made of both the language laboratory and the computer in outside preparation.

Second-Year Chinese I

CHIN 261 - Zhu, Yanhong

A continuation of first-year Chinese with intensive drill in spoken Chinese closely coordinated with acquiring Chinese characters and reinforcing sentence patterns. Audiovisual materials are used extensively.

Third-Year Chinese I

CHIN 301 - Li, Sijia (Scarlett)

This course is focused upon reinforcement of Chinese structural patterns and extensive acquisition of Chinese characters, as well as topical conversational practice and the introduction of much cultural information essential to communication in Chinese.

Advanced Chinese I

CHIN 311 - Zhu, Yanhong

Advanced readings with discussion in Chinese. This course reinforces Chinese structural patterns and extensive acquisition of Chinese characters and enhances students' ability to speak and to write. Topics involving current Chinese culture are introduced and discussed.

Spring 2024

See complete information about these courses in the course offerings database. For more information about a specific course, including course type, schedule and location, click on its title.

Supervised Study Abroad: Beginning Chinese

CHIN 103 - Fu, Hongchu

This course is designed to introduce Chinese language and culture to students with little or no previous Chinese language background and prepare them for studying first-year Chinese. Combining language study with studies of other aspects of Chinese culture (literature, art. history, economy, etc.) provides students with first-hand experience of the development of contemporary China. Classes and discussions are held at the International College or Chinese Studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities. Students learn through personal experience about the emergence or modern China and its changing culture. Required course fee.

Supervised Study Abroad: First-Year Chinese

CHIN 113 - Fu, Hongchu

This course is designed to improve active oral proficiency in Chinese, to introduce various aspects of Chinese culture, and to prepare students for studying second-year Chinese. Classes and discussions are held at the International College of Chinese Studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai. Students have opportunities to mingle with ordinary Chinese people, to engage in everyday conversation, and to have first-hand experience of the development of contemporary China. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities. Required course fee.

Supervised Study Abroad: Second-Year Chinese

CHIN 263 - Fu, Hongchu

This course is designed to further improve student oral proficiency in Chinese, to introduce various aspects of Chinese culture, and to prepare students for studying third-year Classes and discussions are held at the International College of Chinese Studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai. Students discuss and debate with Chinese students about emerging social. economic, and policy issues. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities. Required course fee.

Supervised Study Abroad: 3rd- or 4th-Year Chinese

CHIN 363 - Fu, Hongchu

This course is designed to further improve student oral proficiency in Chinese, to introduce various aspects of Chinese culture, and to prepare students for further study. Required course fee.

Winter 2024

See complete information about these courses in the course offerings database. For more information about a specific course, including course type, schedule and location, click on its title.

First-Year Chinese II

CHIN 112 - Wen, Zuoting

A continuation of CHIN 111. Further work on modern spoken and written Chinese.

Second-Year Chinese II

CHIN 262 - Wen, Zuoting

A continuation of CHIN 261 with intensive drill in spoken Chinese closely coordinated with acquiring Chinese characters and reinforcing sentence patterns.

Third-Year Chinese II

CHIN 302 - Wen, Zuoting

A continuation of CHIN 301 with added emphasis on writing.

Advanced Chinese II

CHIN 312 - Zhu, Yanhong

This course focuses on advanced readings in Chinese literature with intensive practice in speaking and writing. The texts analyzed are authentic modern literary works from both China and Taiwan .

Directed Individual Study

CHIN 403 - Wen, Zuoting

Advanced study in Chinese. The nature and content of the course will be determined by the students' needs and by an evaluation of their previous work.