Chris Messerich '20

Intern with Welder Exploration and Production, LLC, Summer 2019

After working for Welder Exploration and Production, LLC, I have gained invaluable knowledge and experience working in the oil and gas industry. I applied the geologic concepts I learned during my time at Washington and Lee to each project I worked on. I contributed to finding new prospects for development, and used my previous knowledge to help develop alternative methods of analysis that could help improve productivity in the office. I utilized the communication skills I have learned at Washington and Lee to voice my opinions and thoughts to both colleagues and supervisors. I was able to observe the physical processes associated with producing fossil fuels, as well as meet the many people involved in bringing the resources to the surface. This summer internship was an amazing experience, and it would not be possible without the alumni connections that make our geology department and university so unique. My experience would also not be possible without the confidence in my abilities that I have developed over time, and I owe that to the wonderful instruction that our department has provided.