Robert Humston John Kyle Spencer Director for Environmental Studies and Professor of Biology

Robert Humston

Howe 311
Curriculum Vitae
On sabbatical AY 2024-2025


Ph.D. (2001) Marine Biology and Fisheries - Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami
BA (1994) Biology and English - Bowdoin College


Fisheries management, fish ecology, spatial dynamics of populations, dispersal and movement behavior.


BIOL 111 – Foundations in Biology: Biology of Marine Organisms

ENV 110 – Introduction to Environmental Studies

ENV 201 – Applied Environmental Science

BIOL 217 – Aquatic Ecology

BIOL 325 – Ecological Modeling and Conservation Strategies

Selected Publications

(Undergraduate student authors noted with *)

Stewart, K.P., T.E. McMahon, T.M. Koel, and R. Humston. 2023. Current and historical patterns of recruitment of Yellowstone cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, as revealed by otolith microchemistry. Hydrobiologia.

Humston., R, E. Hallerman, S. Smith, J. Sorenson*, and G. Muckleroy*. 2021. Natal and intergenerational dispersal of riverine smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78(11):1701-1711.

Nettere, O.N., E.W. Hamilton, R.J. Woodland, and R. Humston. 2019. Trophic ecology of smallmouth bass in a hierarchical river network. Managing Centrarchid Fisheries. M. Siepker and J. Quinn (eds). American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.

Humston, R., S.S. Doss*, C. Wass*, C. Hollenbeck*, S. Thorrold, S. Smith, C.P. Bataille. 2017. Isotope geochemistry reveals ontogeny of dispersal and exchange between mainstem and tributary habitats in smallmouth bass. Journal of Fish Biology 90:528-548.

Freitas, C.E.C, F.K. Siqueira-Souza, R. Humston, L.E. Hurd. 2013. Drought sensitivity of Amazonian fish communities: implications for response to climate change. Hydrobiologia 705:159-171.

Humston, R., K.A. Hemminger, N.D. Adkins*, R.J. Elsey*, J. Huss*, B.A. Meekins*, P.R. Cabe, and T.L. King. 2012. Put-and-grow stocking of brook trout in Virginia reservoirs: dispersal, naturalization, and interactions with wild populations in tributaries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32(1):100-108.

Recent & Ongoing Projects

Assessing fish movement in response to dam removal

Impacts of smallmouth bass range invasion and range expansion on stream communities

Stable isotope ecology to study stream food webs