Holly Shablack Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Science

Holly Shablack

Parmly Hall 238


PhD – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2020
MA – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017
BS - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2012


My research lab examines the intersection(s) between language, culture, and emotion. We take a highly interdisciplinary approach to examine how our language and socio-cultural environment influence emotion, thoughts, health, and behavior across the lifespan. A few recent questions we have been exploring include how the language we use may shape our emotions and attitudes, how caregiver discourse and responsiveness influences children’s emotion understanding and regulation, what music choices are made depending on our emotions, and how multilingualism may influence emotion perceptions and experiences.


CBSC185: Introduction to Data Science: Trends over time
CBSC212: Health Psychology
CBSC250L: Statistics and Research Design
CBSC263: Language, Culture, and Emotions
CBSC363: Advanced Methods in Language, Culture, and Emotions

Selected Publications

Aztil, S., Satpute, A.B., Zhang, J., Parrish, M.G., Shablack, H., MacCormack, J.K., Leshin, J.C., Goel, S., Brooks, J.A., Kang, J. & Lindquist, K.A. (2023). The impact of sociality and affective valence on brain activation: a meta-analysis. NeuroImage.

Shablack, H., Becker, M., & Lindquist, K.A. (2020). How do children learn novel emotion words? A study of emotion concept acquisition in preschoolers. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149 (8), 1537-1553.

Shablack H., Stein, A., & Lindquist, K.A. (2020). Comment: Constructionist hypotheses on the role of language in emotion development. Emotion Review.

Shablack, H. & Lindquist, K.A. (2019). The role of language in the development of emotion. In V. LoBue, K. Perez-Edgar and K. Buss (Eds). Handbook of Emotion Development. New York: Springer.

Van Hoorn, J., Shablack, H., Lindquist, K.A. & Telzer, E.H. (2019). Incorporating the social context in neurocognitive models of adolescent decision-making: A neuroimaging meta-analysis. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 101, 129-142.

Brooks, J.A., Shablack, H., Gendron, M., Satpute, A.B., Parrish, M., & Lindquist, K.A. (2017). The role of language in the experience and perception of emotion: A neuroimaging meta-analysis. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2, 169-183.