Email Signature Graphics
The images below are for use as graphics with html email signatures. Please see below for ways of importing these graphics into email signatures.
URL: http://www.wlu.edu/Images/communications/publications/graphic-identity/wordmark-sig.gif
URL: http://www.wlu.edu/Images/communications/publications/graphic-identity/oval-sig.gif
For Outlook users, the preferred way to use these graphics is to create a link to the graphic rather than copying it into your email signature. This way, the graphic will not show up as an attachment. Here is a step-by-step guide for creating a URL-reference image as a signature in Microsoft Outlook.
- Copy the URL beneath the image that you want to use.
- Open MS Outlook
- In the top file menu, select Tools > Options
- In the pop-up window, click the Mail Format tab
- Click the Signatures... button
- Select a signature from the list in top-left of the pop-up window, or click New... and give your new signature a name
- Be sure that the email signature you chose (or created) is selected in the New Messages drop down menu under Choose Default Signature section in the top right of the pop-up window
- Now delete any content you may have in the Edit Signature section at the bottom of the window
- Click the image icon (a mountain landscape with sun)
- In the File Name field, paste in the URL of the image you would like to use
- Add any text with which you would like to supplement the image
- Click OK
- Click OK in the Options pop-up window
For non-Outlook users, right-click on the image you wish to use and save it to your computer. Use the Insert function of your email, program to insert the image above or below your address information.
NOTE: Best practices for email signatures are to avoid turning the entire signature into a graphic since recipients who may want to copy and paste your information are unable to do so.