Complementary Typeface and Color


Palatino has been selected as the complementary typeface for our Graphic Identity system. It is one of the most widely-used text typefaces and has been adapted to virtually every type of technology. The use of Palatino permits us greater flexibility in the creation of electronic templates for a variety of uses. As of 2019, Publications added additional fonts to the Graphic Identity for use in official publications, but suggests Palatino as the most widely available font for use.  



Only two colors exist for the university identity. They are PMS 287 and PMS 424. No other color may be used when reproducing the university logo. ("PMS" refers to the Pantone Matching System, which is used by printers to specify particular shades of ink color and allow them to match colors consistently.)

Liberty Hall Grey

PMS      424
RGB      112 115 114
HEX      707372
CMYK    30 20 19 58

W&L Blue

PMS      287
RGB      0 48 135
HEX      003087
CMYK    100 75 2 18

Secondary Colors

In addition, Washington and Lee's Graphic Identity includes 10 secondary colors. These colors may be used to provide vareity and visual interest without leaving the recognized palette. Secondary colors should be used in less than 50 percent of the whole palette for one piece.

Spring Leaf

PMS      369
RGB      100 167 11
HEX      64A70B
CMYK    68 0 100 0


PMS      7545
RGB      66 85 99
HEX      425563
CMYK    58 32 18 54


PMS      208
RGB      134 31 65
HEX       861F41
CMYK    15 100 37 45

Blue Ridge

PMS      7690
RGB      0 118 168
HEX       0076A8
CMYK    95 41 10 0


PMS      2347
RGB      225 6 0
HEX       E10600
CMYK    0 88 100 0

Footbridge Grey

PMS      Warm Grey 2
RGB      203 196 188
HEX       CBC4BC
CMYK    0 4 7 19

Cannan Green

PMS      348
RGB      0 132 61
HEX       00843D
CMYK    96 2 100 12

Autumn Leaf

PMS      7409
RGB      240 179 35
HEX       F0B323
CMYK    0 31 100 0

Blue Sky

PMS      2975
RGB      153 214 234
HEX       99D6EA
CMYK    34 0 5 0

PMS      2975 (30%)