Graphic Standards Manual
Washington and Lee University strives to maintain a consistent visual, or graphic, identity as a major component in communicating the message that W&L is one of the nation's premier liberal arts universities. This unified approach to a graphic representation of the University establishes a clear, consistent institutional image that permits immediate identification.
A graphic identity working group comprising faculty, staff, and students spent the 2008-2009 academic year exploring the University's current graphic standards and exploring potential new directions. A memo from that committee is included on this site. The committee examined numerous alternative approaches and settled on a series of identifying systems. These approaches were shared with focus groups of students and of faculty and staff to obtain feedback from the community. Throughout the process, the basic aim has been to develop a graphic symbol that can be effectively used on everything from business cards to campus signage and vehicles.
The committee's work has led to the adoption of the new Wordmark as the central feature of the graphic identity system, which are shown in this Graphic Standards Manual along with the proper use of the symbols. Please note that when using the full name (Washington and Lee University), the ampersand should not be used. In creating projects where the University's symbols will be used, we invite you to consult first with the Office of Publications both for assistance in the design of your print project and for guidance on acceptable usage.