Our Work

The staff in Communications and Public Affairs work in collaboration with departments across the university to produce flagship communications including the university website, the university intranet, the Generals Athletics site; W&L: The Washington and Lee Magazine, Discovery, the newsletter from the W&L School of Law; email newsletters including Generally Speaking, Women in General and Inside W&L; the admissions viewbook and supporting publications suite; official social media channels (wlunews, wluLex, wluGenerals); WLUR radio programming and the Sports Weekly web series.

Check out some of our work below:

W&L: The Washington and Lee Magazine

W&L: The Washington and Lee Magazine is published three times a year and features news from campus and of our alumni around the world. It is also available in an electronic format that is compatible with mobile devices.

The Columns

The Columns is an online news magazine featuring stories and events from around the university.

Scene on Campus

Scene on Campus is a photo diary documenting life on the W&L campus through the lenses of our university photographers.

Sports Weekly

A look at the week in Washington and Lee University sports.