Digital Communications
W&L Digital Communications is responsible for the ongoing oversight of the University's public web presence and for ensuring that the W&L website serves its various constituencies effectively, while conveying our brand identity to visitors. W&L websites are representations of the University and require the same level of accuracy and presentation as all University publications, as well as the same technical sophistication, accessibility and ease-of-use offered by today's leading commercial and higher education sites.
The team provides four major areas of service to the University community:
- Application Development and Support: Including the selection, implementation and support of a University-wide content management system and other applications that relate to the University's web presence. Digital Communications also provides oversight and guidance for departmental-level website development and support.
- Web and Social Media Consulting: Including the review, approval and purchase of all third-party applications to be used in conjunction with the content management system and general consulting for projects related to W&L's public-facing websites and social media efforts.
- Content Creation/Editing: Writing, editing and design services for all public-facing websites within wlu.edu, including but not limited to the gateway and all top-level pages, Undergraduate Admissions, Alumni, Development and News.
- Multimedia Design/Production: Design and production services for rich media features to be used on the public-facing pages of wlu.edu.