Timeline and Deadlines Student Timeline for Spring Term Abroad 2024

Spring Term Abroad 2025 Timeline

*STA has a distinct application and withdrawal process that differs from on-campus courses. Please read the timeline carefully.

September 5, 2024
Course listings become available on the Spring Term Abroad Website.

September 17, 2024 11am - 2pm
Study Abroad Fair -- an opportunity to learn about study abroad opportunities in general and to chat with the professors teaching STA programs 

October 3, 2023 6:30 pm
General Information Session - Via Zoom. Check back here in September for the link to register for the Zoom session. 
Center for International Education (CIE) staff will discuss application instructions and financial aid information. The session will be recorded for students who are unable to attend.

October 3, 2024 7:15 pm
Individual breakout sessions hosted by the program directors. Check back in September for the schedule. 

October 4, 2024
Applications open. Check each course listing for the "apply now" button. 

October 21, 2024 5pm
Deadline for students to submit Student Application via the Off-Campus Portal (Click the "apply now" button under each course listing). 
October 21st is also the financial aid deadline. If students would like to be considered for a need-based grant for their  program, they must have a complete need-based aid application for the current academic year on file with the office of financial aid office.

November 4, 2024
Students are notified whether they've been accepted into the course. Insufficient enrollment will result in cancellation of the course. 

During Thanksgiving break
Financial Aid Office send notice of award to students. Students decide whether or not they intend to participate.

December 2, 2024
Deadline for students to confirm their participation in the program by electronic signature of the Agreement of Responsible Travel form on their Offcampus Portal. All accepted students will pay the $250 deposit (via their Offcampus portal) refundable only in case of medical emergency or if the program is canceled.


January 15, 2025
Final deadline for students to withdraw from program without incurring full financial obligation. All students are committed to the full program cost following the schedule below as of JANUARY 15, 2025, only to be waived or refunded in case of medical emergency or if W&L cancels the program.

February 1 , 2025 - Waitlist closes 

February 3 - 12, 2025 (tentative)
Student registration for Spring Term 2025. *You must register for STA during your regular registration period. 

February 15, 2025
Student financial aid grants become available to students.  The program fee will be billed and financial aid credited to the student account at the regular February 15 billing date.

March 10, 2025
Payment is due.

April 28 - May 23, 2025
Spring Term! (Please note, each course has a very specific arrival time, which may not correlate with the official start date of the term. Consult the program director for itinerary dates).