CHIN 103, etc. – Chinese Language Supervised Study Abroad

Four credits, EXP
Four weeks in Taiwan
Professor Hongchu Fu

These courses are designed to introduce Chinese language and culture to students with or without previous Chinese language background. Combining language study with studies of other aspects of Chinese culture (literature, art, history, economy, etc.) provides students with first-hand experience of the development of contemporary Taiwan. The program is based in Taipei, the largest and the capital of Taiwan. Language classes and cultural lectures are all held at National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities. Students learn through personal experience about the emergence of modern Taiwan and its changing culture.

All students will have language classes, cultural lectures, student interactions and sightseeing of some neighboring cities near Taipei, and towards the end there will be a two-day tour of the popular Lake of the Sun and the Moon.

Program fee (paid to W&L): $5,324
Includes programming, room, a few meals (~1 breakfast, ~2 lunches, and ~2 dinners), fees, most in-country transportation. 

Additional costs: airfare, most meals, cell phone, spending money, passport, and visa fees (if applicable).

For further details, please contact professor Fu (

Please click the "Start New Application" button to start an application. Please click the "Resume Application" button to access an application you've already started. Please do not open multiple applications for the same program. 


 Applications open October 5th, 2023