CBSC 296 – Exploring Happiness

Four credits, GL, EXP
Two weeks on campus, Two weeks in Denmark
Professors Karla Murdock and Wythe Whiting

This course will explore concepts of happiness from cultural, empirical, and experiential perspectives. It will draw from theory and research in cognitive, affective, social, and behavioral science to explore how happiness is defined, valued, and pursued. Evolutionary and cultural influences on happiness will be explored, as well as practices associated with variation in self-reported well-being. Special attention will be given to the Scandinavian concept of hygge. The first two weeks of the term will take place at W&L, and the second two weeks will take place at the Danish Institute of Study Abroad in Copenhagen and the surrounding area. The abroad portion of the course will include both classroom discussions as well as field trips where we will explore what makes Denmark one of the happiest countries in the world.  This spring term course is designated as both GL and EXP, and may be counted toward the CBSC elective requirement.

Program fee (paid to W&L): $3,957
Includes programming, room, a few meals (~1 lunch and ~4 dinners), fees, most in-country transportation.

Additional costs: airfare, books, most meals, cell phone, spending money, passport, and visa fees (if applicable).

For further details, please contact professors Murdock ( and Whiting (

Please click the "Start New Application" button to start an application. Please click the "Resume Application" button to access an application you've already started. Please do not open multiple applications for the same program. 


 Applications open October 5th, 2023