BUS 390c/ECON 288 – Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development in Cuba

Four credits, EXP, GL
1 week in Cuba, 3 weeks on campus 
Professors Emily Landry and Jim Casey

BUS 390c/ECON 288 offers an opportunity for international, interdisciplinary, and experiential learning in Cuba. Students will spend the first week on campus learning about the history of economic development in Cuba and the recent introduction of market reforms which are compatible with global trends toward social entrepreneurship (e.g., Certified B Corps and Benefit Corporations). In week two, students will travel to Havana and learn from Cuban economists, marine scientists, tourism experts, and entrepreneurs who are shaping policy and practice in Cuba's emerging economy. We will collaborate with students and faculty at the University of Havana on service-learning projects related to coastal preservation and sustainable development. We will engage with experts in areas of marine science, political economy, and social entrepreneurship. For the final two weeks, we will return to campus and students will complete multimedia projects that illuminate challenges and opportunities of sustainable economic development and social entrepreneurship in and near Havana. Students will present their final projects to the Washington and Lee community at the Spring Term Fair.

Program fee (Paid to W&L): $3,012
Includes programming, room, nearly all meals, fees, most in-country transportation.

Additional costs: airfare, a few meals (~1 lunch, ~1 dinner), cell phone, spending money, passport, and visa fees (if applicable).

For further details please contact professors Landry (elandry@wlu.edu) and Casey (caseyj@wlu.edu)

Please click the "Start New Application" button to start an application. Please click the "Resume Application" button to access an application you've already started. Please do not open multiple applications for the same program. 


 Applications open October 5th, 2023