ARTH 268 – Modern Art in Barcelona: From Gaudí to Dalí

Four Credits, FDR - HA
One week on campus; three weeks in Spain
Professor Elliott King

From the Art Nouveau-inspired buildings of the architect Antoni Gaudí to Picasso's Cubism and Salvador Dalí's surrealist "dream paintings," this course explores the internationally renowned modern artists, architects, and designers who defined Spain's unique take on 20th-century art in two of the country's most colorful and cosmopolitan cities: Barcelona and Madrid. With three weeks abroad, the specially curated itinerary begins in the exciting Catalan capital, Barcelona, where we will experience Gaudí's spectacular Sagrada Família Cathedral, the monastery at Montserrat, the Museu Picasso, and the Fundació Joan Miró. Moving towards the Costa Brava, we will study Dalí's artworks on view at the Teatre-Museu Gala-Salvador Dalí and see firsthand the haunting seascapes that characterized his surrealist paintings (and enjoy some of Spain's world-class beaches, too!). Finally, we'll turn from Catalunya to Madrid to better understand the relationship between modern art, totalitarianism, and the Spanish Civil War. No Spanish language required.

Program fee (Paid to W&L): $5,450
Includes programming, room, breakfast, ~1 lunch, ~3 dinners, fees, most in-country transportation.

Additional costs: airfare, most lunches and dinners, cell phone, spending money, passport, and visa fees (if applicable).

For further details, please contact Professor King (

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 Applications open October 5th, 2023