FILM 253 – Creating Field Documentary on Human Rights in Ghana
Four Credits, FDR HA
Four weeks in Ghana
Professor Stephanie Sandberg

Forbes Magazine identified three top skills that college graduates need to succeed in a global marketplace:
- Serious cross-cultural engagement
- Effective storytelling and communication and
- Mastery of multi-media technology.
This spring term course will teach you all three and help the world at the same time. It will be an exciting cross-cultural adventure in a beautiful country with some of the friendliest people in the world. We will examine the culture and social justice issues of modern-day slavery in Ghana, women's economic development, disability and development, and children's rights. Together we will study Ghanaian culture, visiting cultural sites and learning about how the country is faring with shifts in the global economy. Each term we will work with two to three grass-roots non-governmental organizations in the country who are doing humanitarian work in these areas. With these NGO's we will partner to create short documentaries that will be used by these organizations to help them educate for their cause. We will spend our time in the course looking at the development of human rights issues in Ghana, visiting many organizations and government programs that are working on these issues. By the end of the term, we will have learned about Ghanaian culture, studied the human rights issue, and completed three short documentaries about organizations working in Ghana.
See additional photos of the Aya Center here.
No prerequisites, but students must enroll in Film 251, a one-semester-hour winter term course to prepare for the experience in Ghana. FILM 253 fulfills FDR HA. This course also fulfills an elective credit in the Shepherd Program for the Interdisciplinary Study of Poverty and Human Capability.
Program fee (Paid to W&L): $5,685
Includes programming, airfare, room, almost all meals, fees, ground transportation and transportation to the airport.
Additional costs: books, cell phone, spending money, COVID-19 testing, passport, and inoculations (if applicable).
For further details, please contact Professor Sandberg (sandbergs@wlu.edu).
Please click the "Start New Application" button to start an application. Please click the "Resume Application" button to access an application you've already started. Please do not open multiple applications for the same program
Applications open on October 6th, 2022