Math/ART 175 – History of Ideas
Four credits, FDR - FM (Foundations of Math)
Two weeks in the Netherlands
Professor Alan McRae
This is a course in mathematics and art suitable for liberal arts students. Our approach is highly activity and experience based. We will travel to Amsterdam and the Hague, visiting some great art museums. Our goal is to explore how some of the greatest mathematical ideas had parallel developments in the world of art, all told through a narrative of culture and the history of ideas.
Program fee: $3,559
Includes programming, room, a few meals, fees, ground transportation.
Additional costs: airfare, books, most meals, cell phone, spending money, COVID-19 testing, passport, and visa fees (if applicable)
For further details, please contact Professor Alan McRae (mcraea@wlu.edu).
Please click the "Start New Application" button to start an application. Please click the "Resume Application" button to access an application you've already started. Please do not open multiple applications for the same program.
Applications open October 9th, 2021