HIST/LIT 295 – Slavery and Colonialism in the African Diaspora
Four credits; FDR-HU, HL, EXP
Two weeks on campus, two weeks in Barbados
Professors Nneka Dennie (History) and Mohamed Kamara (Romance Languages)

The histories, politics, and cultures of various regions have given shape to the global African diaspora, at times producing continuities and at others, points of departure. Two constants, however, are the prevalence of colonialism and slavery, particularly in Africa and the Caribbean. This class will examine the impacts that colonialism and slavery have had on colonized peoples, as well as the linkages between African and Caribbean history, by traveling to Barbados--a former British colony. Particular points for consideration include colonial systems of governance, such as direct rule and indirect rule, as well as the contemporary legacies of colonialism and slavery, including movements for reparations. The course is open to all students.
This course meets the requirements for the History major and the Africana Studies minor. It also fulfills the FDR (HU and HL) and EXP (Experiential Learning).
For further information, please contact Prof. Dennie (ndennie@wlu.edu) and/or Prof. Kamara (kamaram@wlu.edu).
Program fee (paid to W&L): $2,709
Includes airfare, programming, room, some meals, fees, ground transportation.
Additional costs: books, some meals, cell phone, spending money, COVID-19 testing, passport, and visa fees (if applicable)
Please click the "Start New Application" button to start an application. Please click the "Resume Application" button to access an application you've already started. Please do not open multiple applications for the same program.
Applications open October 9th, 2021