CLASS 288 – Rome: The Eternal City
Four credits, FDR-HA
One week on campus, three weeks in Rome, Italy
Professors Caleb Dance & Matthew Loar
Continuously inhabited for nearly three thousand years, Rome remains one of the world's best open-air museums. Through a combination of conservation and appropriation, each successive era in the city's history has integrated prior iterations of the city into the remade urban environment. The result is a living palimpsest: everywhere that visitors turn they are confronted with juxtapositions of past and present. Ancient, medieval, and modern buildings sit comfortably side-by-side, while the city's museums are filled to bursting with unrivaled works of art spanning millennia. This Spring Term Abroad course is designed to introduce students to Rome in all its glory, using the city, its monuments, its art, and nearby cities under its sway as theoretical roads leading to a fuller understanding of Rome's storied history.
With one week of intensive coursework on campus and three weeks in Italy, students of The Eternal City will grow familiar with the broad outlines of Roman history, the topography of ancient Rome, important archaeological sites in Naples, Herculaneum, Cumae, Misenum, and Pompeii, and features of the modern Roman city and Italian culture that have permitted so much of ancient Rome to survive to the present.
For further details, please contact Prof. Dance (dancec@wlu.edu) or Prof. Loar (mloar@wlu.edu)
Program fee (paid to W&L): $4,429
Includes programming, room, some meals, fees, ground transportation.
Additional costs: airfare, books, some meals, cell phone, spending money, COVID-19 testing, passport, and visa fees (if applicable)
Please click the "Start New Application" button to start an application. Please click the "Resume Application" button to access an application you've already started. Please do not open multiple applications for the same program.
Applications open October 9th, 2021