BUS 390 – Green Information Systems
Four credits, EXP, GL designations
Two weeks on campus, two weeks in Iceland
Professor Keri Larson

Sustainability is currently one of the most important issues facing our world and will continue to be so for decades, as it will take substantial time and effort to reverse some of the most adverse environmental changes humans have caused. The ambition of sustainable (or green) Information Systems (IS) is to exploit technology and information to enable society to "meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Green Information System (IS) and Green Information Technology (IT) play a critical role in sustainable development, and Energy Informatics is an approach to addressing sustainability by reducing energy consumption. By learning about Energy Informatics, students enrolled in this class will gain multi-disciplinary knowledge they can use to contribute to a sustainable future.
The course culminates with a two-week field study in Iceland comprising numerous site visits including Innovation Center Iceland, a Reykjavik-based clean-tech venture; the green Iceland Data Center; Landsvirkjun, the national power company of Iceland; and Carbon Recycling International. The time abroad includes cultural excursions throughout the country focused on the history, culture, geology, and economy of Iceland to help students better understand the significance of Iceland's shift to "extreme tech" to attain eco-sustainability. Field trips will include a hot springs volcano hike, a geothermal tour, exploration of lava caves, an ice cave walk, visits to the Icelandic Museum of Natural History and National Museum of Iceland, and a glaciers/geysers/waterfall expedition.
For further details, please contact professor Larson at (larsonk@wlu.edu).
Program fee (paid to W&L): $5,290
Includes programming, room, some meals, fees, ground transportation.
Additional costs: airfare, books, some meals, cell phone, spending money, COVID-19 testing, passport, and visa fees (if applicable)
Please click the "Start New Application" button to start an application. Please click the "Resume Application" button to access an application you've already started. Please do not open multiple applications for the same program.
Applications open October 9th, 2021