MESA 252: History Compounded - Experience Egypt

4 credits GL, HU, EXP
Professor Antoine Edwards
3 Weeks in Egypt
An exploration of the social, religious, historical, and political foundations of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Based in Cairo, a.k.a. "Omm ed-Duniya (Mother of the World)", students study the complex dynamics of state, culture, and society from a historical perspective. "Compounded history" uses multiple academic lenses to understand the manifold pasts, interpret the ever-changing present, and speculate about possible futures of contemporary Egypt.
Prerequisite: ARAB 161: Second-Year Arabic I (can be enrolled in ARAB 161 in F19). Priority will be given to advanced-language students. Permission of instructor required for all students.
Program Fee (paid to W&L): $ 2,873
This fee includes: Accommodation, some group meals, in-country transportation, program fees
Estimated Additional Costs: Airfare (estimated $1,100 from DC), meals ($1,063 estimated), cell phone, passport, visa (if applicable) and spending money.
For further details, please contact Professor Edwards at edwardsa@wlu.edu.