JAPN 100, 115, 265, 365 Japanese Language and Culture Study Supervised Study Abroad
4 credits, EXP
Four weeks in Japan
Prof. Janet Ikeda
Students will spend four weeks in Kanazawa studying the Japanese language in the morning and participating in cultural activities, such as flower arrangement, pottery making, Japanese traditional sweet making, Zen practice, taiko drumming, calligraphy and tea ceremony in the afternoon. Other activities will typically include an overnight trip to Noto Peninsula. Students live with a host family and can experience typical Japanese daily life. Three levels of language instruction will be offered. Beginners without any prior language training are welcome, although priority is given to students studying Japanese. Students interested in taking this class are encouraged to speak with the program leader in advance.
Program Fee (paid to W&L): $2,023 - This fee includes homestay, placement test, textbooks, overnight group trip, and weekly cultural activities.
Estimated Additional Costs: Airfare (estimate 1900$), daily lunches and first Saturday meals($270); daily commute cost in Kanazawa, passport, visa (if applicable), inoculations (if applicable), cell phone, and spending money.
For further details, please contact Professor Ikeda at ikedaj@wlu.edu