ECON 288 - The Modern Economy of the United Kingdom: Great Shocks in Great Britain 1979-2019
4 credits
Four weeks in the United Kingdom
Professor Martin Davies
The objective of the course is to give the student insight into the progression of the United Kingdom's economy over the past 40 years. In particular, we focus on the political economy of the UK over the period 1979-2019, and examine four major events and the economic links between them: the Thatcher Revolution (the Great Transformation), the Great Moderation, the Great Recession, and finally, the possible Brexit (the Great Separation; some might call this the Great Mistake!) We use the lens of economic theory and empirical evidence to examine each period, looking at both national and global influences. The location in Oxford, the home of one of the world's great universities, is a key part of the course. Since the course is held during the first 4 weeks of Oxford University's Trinity Term (it is unusual for a study abroad program to have this sort of access), the university will be in full session. Students will be able to participate in all that Oxford has to offer during full term, to attend university public lectures, and use the Bodleian library (to be confirmed).
Prerequisite: ECON 100
Program Fee (paid to W&L): $5,896 This includes accommodation in central Oxford (fully furnished student apartments - single rooms guaranteed - with wifi), orientation, program study room, printing, program library, weekly tours, medical plan, printing and computer access, college/university library access (to be confirmed).
Estimated Additional Costs: Airfare ($800 estimate), airport transfers to and from Oxford ($40), cell connection for one month, food (full kitchen facilities in each apartment/house, an estimate of about $100 per week), passport, visa (if applicable), inoculations (if applicable), miscellaneous individual expenses.
For further details, please contact Professor Davies at daviesm@wlu.edu.