Chinese Language - Supervised Study Abroad

CHIN 103,105, 113, 115, 263, 265, 363, 365
4-6 credits
4 or 6 weeks in China
Prof. Hongchu Fu
These courses are designed to introduce Chinese language and culture to students with or without previous Chinese language background. Combining language study with studies of other aspects of Chinese culture (literature, art, history, economy, etc.) provides students with first-hand experience of the development of contemporary China. The program is based in Shanghai, the largest and the most industrialized city in China. Language classes and cultural lectures are all held at East China Normal University in Shanghai. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities. Students learn through personal experience about the emergence of modern China and its changing culture.
This program is divided into two subprograms: one subprogram (105,115,265,365) is for 4 weeks and another (103,113,263,363) is for 6 weeks of studying and visiting in China. All will have language classes, cultural lectures, student interactions and sightseeing of some neighboring cities near Shanghai, but the 6-week participants will have one more week of study and another week of cultural tour to the ancient city of Xi'an and the modern capital of Beijing.
Program Fee (paid to W&L): $2,700 (4-week), $4,150 (6-week). This fee includes course registration, tuition, room, local transportation and cultural activities. For 6-week program, it includes additional tuition and all the cost for the weeklong cultural tour around the country.
Estimated Other Expenses: $1,400-1,700 for a round-trip international airfare; daily meals of about $13-15/day at the school dining-halls, and $500 personal spending money.
For more information, please contact Professor Fu, fuh@wlu.edu.