BUS 391 - Corporate Social Responsibility Practicum
4 credits
Four weeks in Denmark
Dean Rob Straughan and Prof. Elizabeth Oliver
BUS 391 is a project-based course that further explores the concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability as practiced in Denmark, regarded as one of the most progressive economies. Students will be assigned to work in small groups (4 students) with a sponsoring organization on a problem facing the organization that is related to sustainability. Organizations may include both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. For example, past sponsors have included the Danish Red Cross, a not-for-profit addressing food security, a boutique consulting firm, and large multinational corporations in the pharmaceutical and medical device sectors. Direct experience with either the topic of CSR or advising businesses or not-for-profits is desirable.
Prerequisite: Any one of the following or instructor approval: BUS 180, BUS 197, BUS 211, BUS 221, ACCT 320 or ECON 210. BUS 365 is also strongly recommended.
Program Fee (paid to W&L): $4,795. This fee includes: Tuition, room, a few meals, fees, ground transportation.
Estimated Additional Costs: $2,770. ($1000 for airfare, $20 for books, $1,750 for other meals and spending money)
For further details, please contact Dean Straughan at straughanr@wlu.edu or Professor Oliver at olivere@wlu.edu.