HIST 210: Paris, A Contested City France
HIST 210 (4 credits)
4 weeks in Paris, France
Professor Sarah Horowitz
This course spends four weeks in Paris analyzing how the spaces of the city have been contested and claimed since the French Revolution. We will study how different actors and groups have used the city and its monuments in struggles over history, memory and politics. Specific topics to be covered include how the French Revolution is memorialized in the city, class tensions and the remaking of Paris in the nineteenth century, the creation of Paris as an art capital, the battle for the memory of World War II, and the way in which contemporary actors - politicians, protestors, and tourists - move through and shape the city for their own purposes. This course fulfills the FDR-HU requirement and counts towards the History major.
Prerequisite: Students taking this course are required to take History 207 - France: A Contested Nation (three credits) in Winter 2015.
This course will be taught in collaboration with ARTS 223 Photography and the City of Paris, and there will be a number of group activities and collaborative assignments. Students will also be housed in the same dormitory building in Paris, and will have the same travel dates as ARTS 223.
Program Fee (paid to W&L): $3,250. This fee includes: housing, two dinners and transportation within Paris.
Estimated Additional Expenses: $2,800 (airfare - $1,300; ground transportation - $100; meals - $1,400)
For more information, please contact Professor Horowitz at horowitzs@wlu.edu.