JAPN 100 etc.: Supervised Study Abroad Japan
JAPN 100, 115, or 265
4 Credits
4 Weeks in Kanazawa, Japan
Professor Ken Ujie
Beginning Japanese (JAPN 100 - 4 weeks)
This course is designed to introduce the Japanese language and culture to students with little or no previous language background. Classes are held at the Ishikawa Foundation for International Exchange, a prestigious Japanese institution in Kanazawa. Students live with a host family and can experience typical Japanese daily life. The program includes field trips to points of historical interest and many cultural activities. Prerequisite: Instructor consent.
First-Year Japanese (JAPN 115 - 4 weeks)
This is a course designed to improve active oral proficiency in Japanese and to introduce students to the culture and society of Japan. Classes are held at Ishikawa Foundation for International Exchange, which is a prestigious Japanese institution, located in Kanazawa. Students live with a host family and can experience typical Japanese daily life. The program includes field trips to points of historical interest and many cultural activities in the afternoon. Prerequisite: Japn 112 and instructor consent.
Second-Year Japanese (JAPN 265 - 4 weeks)
This is a course designed to improve active oral proficiency in Japanese and to introduce students to the culture and society of Japan. Classes are held at Ishikawa Foundation for International Exchange, which is a prestigious Japanese institution, located in Kanazawa. Students live with a host family and can experience typical Japanese daily life. The program includes field trips to points of historical interest and many cultural activities in the afternoon. Prerequisite: Japn 262 and instructor consent.
Program Fee (paid to the University): $3,065. This includes accommodation, fees, ground transportation in Japan, weekend trip, meals and mandatory supplementary health insurance.
Estimated Additional Expenses: Airfare $ 1,900. Personal spending money $300.
The program cost could change slightly if currency exchange rates fluctuate or there is a necessary and unanticipated change in the itinerary.
For further information, email Professor Ken Ujie.