GEOL 373: Regional Geology of New Zealand New Zealand
GEOL 373
4 Credits
3.5 Weeks in New Zealand
Professor Chris Connors and Professor Euan Mitchell
This course will study the regional geology of New Zealand. This remarkably geologically diverse land will allow students to learn about coastal and neotectonic geomorphology, structural geology and tectonics, glacial geology, glaciology, volcanology, metamorphic petrology, and stratigraphy through hands-on direct exposure to beautiful examples available at the surface in New Zealand.
With this course you will learn fundamental geologic concepts of regional geology by traveling to New Zealand to relate these concepts to what is exposed in the field. You will learn the basic stratigraphy and structure and general geologic history of New Zealand, and relate these to the modern and ancient plate-tectonic setting for the area. You will be able to recognize and explain the natural hazards of the area, including volcanism, landslides, and earthquakes and ways to address the hazards. You will learn the fundamental controls on landscape evolution and be able to recognize which processes are dominant in a given landscape.
Prerequisites: GEOL 100, 101 or 105 and permission of the instructor. For Geology majors only.
Program Fee (paid to W&L): $500 (includes airfare, accommodation, activities, ground transportation).
Estimated Additional Expenses: $500 (for meals not included in program fee).
Please contact Prof. Connors for more information.