BUS 391: Corporate Social Responsibility Practicum Denmark
BUS 391
4 Credits
4 Weeks in Denmark
Professors Rob Straughan and Elizabeth Oliver
This course will cover a range of topics related to corporate social responsibility (CSR), with a particular emphasis on Danish organizations and their progressive approach to CSR. The cornerstone of the course will be an in-depth practicum focusing on the challenges faced by several Danish organizations, both for-profit and not-for-profit. Each student will participate in a group assigned to work alongside members of one of these sponsoring organizations to address a particular CSR challenge facing the organization. In the winter term students will prepare and present preliminary analyses of the sponsoring organizations and the markets in which they operate. At the end of spring term, final reports will be submitted and presented to organizational leadership. Students will also be asked to participate in broader discussion groups and a blog on CSR topics as well as reflect on both the practicum and their observations about Denmark in a personal journal. Availability for preliminary reading and discussion during winter term is required. The class is offered in partnership with the Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS) and Deloitte.
Note: Danes often walk or bike to work, and some students may find that to be the optimal way to commute. Students will need to be comfortable with extensive walking and stair climbing in an urban environment.
Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and any one of the following: BUS 211, BUS 221, ACCT 320, ECON 210. Students with relevant practical experience (e.g., CSR or not-for-profit management internships) are also encouraged to apply even if lacking the perquisite courses noted. BUS 304 (Modern Professional Communications) is recommended.
Program Fee (paid to W&L): $3,100
Estimated additional expenses: Airfare - $1,000; Ground Transportation - $350; Meals and personal spending money - $1,290
Mandatory Pre-Departure Orientation: To be announced
For further information, please email Prof. Elizabeth Oliver or Prof. Rob Straughan.