POL 288: African Politics Ghana
POL 288
4 Credits
3 Weeks in Ghana
Professor Tyler Dickovick
Ghana is one of Africa's most vibrant countries by any standard - in terms of culture, society, history, politics, and economy. Using Ghana as a geographic base, this course will introduce students to African politics and society, with a particular emphasis on political economy in contemporary and historical perspectives; this focus will be complemented by the study of African philosophy and literature. We will discuss political institutions and social change in contemporary Africa, and historical patterns of economic and political development, with an emphasis on Ghana as our central case study. We will pay particular attention to questions of public action, poverty reduction, and human capability. The course is based in the modern, cosmopolitan capital of Accra, with excursions to such sites as the castles of the slave trade and the historic city of Kumasi, seat of the Ashanti kings. We will work closely with our partner course (ECON 288B), with shared guest speakers by many of Ghana's top social scientists, occasional joint class sessions, and travel together to many of Ghana's most important historical and cultural sites. FDR SS.
Program Fee (paid to W&L): $3,800. This includes international airfare, visa, room and board, guest lectures, events and tours and mandatory supplemental health insurance.
Estimated Additional Costs: $700 (books, vaccinations, spending money).
Mandatory Pre-departure Orientation: Monday, March 19, 2012 at 7 p.m. in Northen Auditorium (Leyburn Library).
Contact Professor Dickovick for further information.