Aaron Gonzalez Sobrino, '26 - International Student Mentor agonzalezsobrino@mail.wlu.edu

My name is Aaron, I am a rising sophomore and a Finance and Business Administration double major. I'm from Madrid, Spain. I will be a Resident Advisor so we will spend a lot of time together in the dorms. I am a member of the Williams Investment Society Shadow Program and the First Year Orientation Committee WhatsApp Coordinator. I am also a member of the Options Trading Club. Ask me any questions you might have; I will be happy to answer them. I am doing accounting research this summer, with Professor Reid, so I am really looking forward to it. I am also on the soccer team, so if you have any questions regarding athletics at W&L don´t hesitate to reach out. In my free time, I enjoy working out and learning more about finance/investing. I'm excited to welcome you all to the W&L community!