Program Approval Request
Thank you for considering additional study abroad opportunities for Washington & Lee University students. We appreciate the time you and your department have taken to identify experiences that are consistent with the mission of the university.
The faculty has approved three Global learning outcomes. While the CIE recognizes that there are international educational experiences that do not necessarily meet all these outcomes, we ask that you evaluate whether your program provides opportunities to a student to achieve aspects of the following:
Learning Outcome #1: Students completing an approved study abroad experience will demonstrate improved inter-cultural understanding by displaying inter-cultural communication skills and recognizing cultural differences.
Learning Outcome #2: Students completing an approved study abroad experience will comprehend and speak a foreign language more proficiently, when studying in a country where the language of the university and/or program differs from the student's native language(s).
Learning Outcome #3: Reflect thoughtfully on their intercultural understanding and personal growth in response to experiences in another culture that challenge their world views.
Submission Process
To help the International Education Committee better understand the proposed affiliation:
- Please complete the approval form for the study abroad university or study abroad 3rd party provider.
- Upon completion, Cindy will forward to General Counsel for their review.
- After review by General Counsel, submit your completed request to the Chair of the International Education Committee (IEC).
- Upon receipt, the Chair will provide a preliminary review.
- The Chair will either request additional information or forward the request to the IEC for consideration. The IEC meets bi-weekly during the academic year.
- After review, the IEC may request additional information or vote on approval of this request.
- Initial approval will be for a period of 2-3 years, or after three students have participated in the program, whichever comes later. Thereafter, the IEC will review the program to determine final approval.
We recognize that vetting international opportunities is time consuming and we appreciate the efforts that you are making to expand the offerings for students related to your department. We look forward to working with you to complete the attached approval checklist. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Cindy Irby.