General Graduate School Resources and Timeline
Find a Graduate Program
- GradSchools.com: Start your search for programs here.
- U.S. News and World Report: Graduate school rankings
- Business School (MBA and more!)
- Pre-Law at W&L and Law School
- W&L Guide to Pre-Health Professions
- Medical School
- Dental School
- Veterinary School
- Pharmacy School
- Optometry School
General Timeline
The timeline below is a general outline. Specific programs and schools may differ. Consult your advisor for individual advice.
Junior Year (15-18 months before matriculation):
- Discuss your options with faculty and career advisors
- Research programs
- Begin entrance exam preparation
- Explore financial aid, scholarships, and fellowships
Summer Before and Early Fall of Senior Year (12-15 months before matriculation):
- Schedule and take entrance exams
- Finalize application list and determine individual program requirements and deadlines
- Draft your CV and Personal Statements
- Ask for letters of recommendation
- Order transcripts from the registrar
- Complete any scholarship or fellowship applications
Winter Term of Senior Year (6-9 months before matriculation):
- File income tax returns and submit other necessary paperwork for financial aid
- Visit campus(es) if possible
- Maintain contact with admissions representatives from schools where you are waitlisted and discuss options with a career advisor
- Commit and send financial deposit
- Thank your mentors and letter writers, and let them know your final plans