Surplus Sales
Surplus Sales Policies and Procedures
Surplus is identified by a department when they no longer need University property. Departments will notify University Facilities by way of a work order to pick up the surplus. Departments with specialty items may contact the Business Office for permission to try to sell the items to buyers with an interest in those special items. The department may keep up to 50% of any proceeds.
Once a work order has been received by University Facilities, the Project Specialist - Interiors will review the surplus in the department and amend the work order in a manner so the University Facilities Utility Department ("Utility") knows whether or not to keep the surplus for future use. Surplus for future use will be picked up and stored in a manner appropriate to its needs. Utility will update the work order to include a list of items along with their tag numbers. A work order report of surplus will be generated and sent to the Business Office on the first working day of each month so that the Fixed Asset system may be updated for the items' location. The department will not know where Utility would be taking the items. No list of items is needed for non-tagged University property.
Surplus not for future use will be picked up by Utility and will be:
- taken to an approved non-profit in the area, or
- placed into recycling or trash as appropriate.
The work order will then be updated in the comments section with wording such as Disposal - recycle, Disposal - Goodwill, etc. Always with the word "Disposal" as the first word. Again, Utility will update the work order to include a list of items along with their tag numbers. A work order report of surplus will be generated and sent to the Business Office on the first working day of each month so that the Fixed Asset system may be updated for the items' location. The department will not know where Utility would be taking the items. No list of items is needed for non-tagged University property.
At times, the University will have the contents of an entire building available for surplus. The same process as described above, with one exception, will apply - first the Project Specialist - Interiors will identify surplus for future use, then Utility will divide the remaining into items for approved non-profits, recycle, or trash. In the contract of the General Contractor, a line item will be included so that any item marked as trash or left in the building when construction begins will be disposed of by the contractor. Utility will update the work order to include a list of items along with their tag numbers. A work order report of surplus will be generated and sent to the Business Office on the first working day of each month so that the Fixed Asset system may be updated for the items' location. No list of items is needed for non-tagged University property.
The one items for exception to the above is University vehicles. Once vehicles have been identified for disposal, the University Facilities Business Operations department will be contacted. The Business Office will prepare and send out in campus notice a call for bids. The campus notice will state that the bids are to be sealed and submitted by a specified date and time. The bids should include the buyer contact information, item description of the vehicle being bid upon and the bid price. It should also include the statement - "The University reserves the right to reject any, and all, bids."