Car Rental and Golf Cart
Car Rentals
W&L has an agreement with Enterprise Rental Cars in Lexington for business travel for students and faculty/staff. Travelers have a choice to use a rental car or their personal car but should consider overall cost in their choice of transportation. Travelers are encouraged to choose compact or mid-sized card whenever possible.
Washington & Lee and Enterprise and National Rentals have updated their agreement. The amendment goes into effect immediately. The major change in our previous contract references one way airport rentals. You will need to use this account number, XZ21E56, when making a one way airport drop in the state of Virginia, excluding northern Virginia. This number identifies your transactions as a W&L rental and will ensure you receive the best rate for one-way rental to and from the airport. One-way rates include unlimited mileage, except for premium through large sport utility vehicle classes. The cost of the daily rental for that vehicle is the normally advertised rate. In addition, it is the responsibility of the customer to refill with gas at drop point, and there is no additional drop fee.
The local Enterprise is no longer able to accept credit cards over the phone. It is more convenient for you to use an Emerald Club number when making reservations, rather than making a trip to the local office to give them a credit card. Therefore, we are requesting all employees, making reservations with Enterprise for University business travel, to apply for an Emerald Club Membership number. To set up an Emerald Club Membership, please click on the following link https://www.nationalcar.com/enroll/XZ21309. For additional information, please review the attached documents.
Welcome to a New Level of Service
Travelers are encouraged to choose compact or mid-sized rental cars whenever possible. The cost of upgrading to rental cars above the mid-size rate is the responsibility of the traveler. Exceptions will apply if the number of passengers riding in the vehicle exceeds four.
Enterprise allows contracts for one-way travel to or from the Roanoke airport at a reduced rate; one-day rental to or from the Charlottesville airport, or a one-day rental and up charge to or from the Richmond and Dulles airports. Call Enterprise directly (540-463-4679) to reserve and arrange for rental in Lexington in two ways:
- Pick-up at the Lexington Enterprise Rental Cars office
- Pick-up the car key in Business Office, and the car in the University parking garage
The itemized receipt or agreement must be included with the travel expense report. Reimbursable costs include the daily rental fee, gasoline charges, parking and tolls.
University's Account Numbers with National and Enterprise:
XZ21309 Business Use Rentals
XZ21310 Personal Use Rentals
XZ21E56 One-Way Rentals
Rental Insurance
The loss damage coverage (LDW) and/or personal accident (PAI) or additional liability insurance (ALI) should be declined when renting a car. The University maintains comprehensive, collision and liability insurance on all vehicles rented or leased for official business. The additional charges related to LDW, PAI or ALI will not be reimbursed. It is preferable to enter "Washington and Lee University" as well as the individual's signature on the rental forms.
Vehicle Accident Reporting
If the approved driver is involved in an accident while driving a rental or personal vehicle and on W&L business, the approved driver must complete the Vehicle Accident Report (Link below) within six hours of the accident, if capable of doing so, and submit to Lori Oliver, Treasurer's Office, via email at loliver@wlu.edu or call directly on 540-458-8740.
Vehicle Accident Report for Traveler's
However, please note that the University's insurance does not cover the repairs to personal vehicles used for University travel.
Gas refill
Travelers should refill gas tanks before returning the vehicles. Rental companies levy a charge for refueling, far more than the price of gas. Avoid drop charges by returning the vehicle to the renting location. Compare the cost of air travel versus driving and drop charge.
Direct routes
If a traveler takes an indirect travel route for reasons other than business, reimbursement for transportation costs will be the lesser of the actual charges and the charge that would have been incurred by traveling the direct route. Any personal portion of the cost of a rental car will not be reimbursed.
Call Enterprise (540) 463-4679 or send an email to businessoffice@wlu.edu.
6 Passenger Golf Cart
The University has a six passenger golf cart available for campus transportation. The cart can be reserved by departments on a daily or weekly basis by calling the University Facilities Service Center at x8940 or facilities@wlu.edu (as of April 1, 2019). There are restrictions on where the cart can be driven including city regulations, which prohibit driving on city streets. However, most parts of campus are accessible. A map showing accepted pathways is available at the University Facilities Office. Rental cost is $50 per day for $200 per week.