Bill Ober Visiting Professor of Biology

Bill Ober


Washington & Lee University, BS

University of Virginia, MD

University of Virginia, Residency in Family Medicine

Johns Hopkins Dept of Art as Applied to Medicine


Galapagos Marine Invertebrates. This is a long term project headed by Dr. C.P. Hickman Jr. and its goal is to identify and catalog all of the marine invertebrates found in the Galapagos Archipelago. This research is an offshoot of the many W&L class trips taken to the islands. I have worked on this project primarily as illustrator, photographer, and medical officer for the expeditions. So far, 4 field guides have been published with a fifth in development. Please visit

The Effective Use of Visual Material in Teaching Biology. Biology is one of the most visual subjects taught in college. Hence, the effective use of photography, illustration, video, animation, and design greatly enhances a students understanding of biological concepts, as well as exposing them to the wonder and drama that Biology embodies. I have spent much of my career exploring how to best present the beautiful and abundant visual material that distinguishes the fields of Biology.


Biology 104 - Biological Illustration (Spring 2010)

Biological Illustration (at Shoals Marine Laboratory)


Selected Publications

Hickman CP Jr., Chiriboga A, Ober WC: A Field Guide to Corals of Galapagos. Sugar Spring Press, 2005.

Developed illustration program for the following:

1. Integrated Principles of Zoology, 13E. Hickman CP Jr., Roberts LS, Keen S, Larson A, and I'Anson H. McGraw Hill Higher Education. 2005.

2. Animal Diversity, 4E. Hickman CP, Jr., Roberts LS, Keen S, Larson A, and Eisenhour D. McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2007.

3. Marine Biology, 7E. Castro P, and Huber M. McGraw Hill Higher Education. 2008

4. Human Anatomy, 6E. Martini F, Tallitsch R, and Timmons M. Pearson Education. 2008

5. Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, 8E. Martini F and Nath J. Pearson Education. 2008

6. Human Physiology, 4E. Silverthorn D. Pearson Education. 2006

7. Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 4E. Martini F, and Bartholomew E. Pearson Education. 2006.