Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Notice to Students
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act
Notice to Students
September 30, 2024
As a recipient of federal aid and federal grants, the University must certify under the Drug- Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 that it will take certain steps to provide a drug-free environment.
Washington and Lee University supports the Commonwealth of Virginia laws on the licensing, distribution and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Furthermore, Washington and Lee University supports the Commonwealth of Virginia and federal laws on the possession, use, sale, or transfer of illegal drugs/controlled substances. It is the responsibility of all members of the University community to abide by those laws. A fundamental principle of the Washington and Lee University Policy on Alcohol is that students are adults who are personally responsible for conforming their behavior to state and local laws and University policy. Washington and Lee Public Safety cooperates with the Lexington Police, the Rockbridge County Sheriff, and the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to promote awareness of and adherence to the alcohol laws.
Through the appropriate University administrative offices, committees and organizations, Washington and Lee University will conduct an ongoing educational program to acquaint students with the Commonwealth of Virginia laws on alcohol and other drugs, the health dangers of alcohol abuse, and the medical and counseling resources available for students. The educational program will also include efforts to promote personal responsibility and accountability.
A student who violates Washington and Lee University's alcohol and/or drug policies will be referred to a dean in the Student Affairs Office for the matter to be handled administratively or by the Student Judicial Council (SJC). Resolution of the alleged violation will be handled in accordance with the University Policies on Alcohol and Other Drugs. Nothing in these policies shall preclude the SJC from taking other appropriate action it determines to be justified in accordance with University policy. The sanctions the SJC may impose include, but are not limited to, the following:
- A formal written warning - additional misconduct may result in more severe penalties
- A monetary fine
- The payment of restitution for property damage
- Specific task(s) related to the nature of the misconduct
- Community service on or off campus
- Educational programming
- Removal from University Housing
- Conduct Probation - a formal warning that additional misconduct may result in more severe penalties
- Suspension - period determined by SJC. Suspension length can be for the remainder of a term, a full term, or multiple terms. Suspension results in separation from the University roles and if a respondent desires to return, the respondent must apply for and be readmitted or reinstated consistent with University procedures.
- Dismissal from the University and ineligibility to apply for readmission
For additional information on internal sanctions for violations of the University's alcohol and drug policies, consult the Student Handbook. http://go.wlu.edu/student-handbook
Legal Sanctions for Alcohol and Drug-Related Offenses
The University advises all students to be aware of the legal sanctions that could result from various alcohol and drug-related offenses. See the summary at the following link: http://go.wlu.edu/OGC/AlcoholDrugLaws
Health Risks Associated with Drug Use and Alcohol Abuse
Apart from the legal and internal sanctions that could result from drug and alcohol offenses, the University is concerned for the safety and health of its students. Some of the health risks associated with use of certain drugs and abuse of alcohol are summarized at the following link: http://go.wlu.edu/OGC/HealthEffects
More detailed information regarding the numerous health risks associated with drug use and alcohol abuse can be found at the following link: https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2022-12/2022_DOA_eBook_File_Final.pdf
Community Resources for Counseling, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Programs
The University encourages students to seek professional assistance in identifying and treating drug and alcohol abuse issues. The University provides resources for the evaluation and treatment of some substance abuse disorders through the Student Health and Counseling Center. https://www.wlu.edu/student-life/health-and-safety/student-health-and-counseling/health-library/alcohol-and-other-drugs
The following chart provides numerous regional resources for counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation programs: http://go.wlu.edu/OGC/AreaResources