AIR Discovery Boards
Discovery Boards are accessible to select Washington and Lee University audiences. Access is controlled by University sign on and visuals are accessible with appropriate permissions. Please contact the Office of Accreditation and Institutional Research if you have any questions. |
FACTS-AT-A-GLANCE (GRAPHS) ( (Based on Official University Census Data/Trends) These visuals are exclusively generated as graphs allowing a quick review of trends across multiple data points. Visuals reflect enrollment and completions demographics as of the official University census dates noted in the graphs. |
UNIVERSITY TOTAL ENROLLMENT (Based on Official University Census Data/Trends)
Charts, tables, and data reflect University enrollment demographics and trends as of the official University fall census date. |
UNDERGRADUATE ENROLLMENT (Based on Official University Census Data/Trends)
Charts, tables, and data reflect undergraduate enrollment demographics and trends as of the official University fall census date. |
LAW ENROLLMENT (Based on Official University Census Data/Trends)
Charts, tables, and data reflect law enrollment demographics and trends as of the official University fall census date. |
DEGREES & MAJORS OF GRADUATES (Based on Official University Census Data/Trends)
Charts, tables, and data reflect completions demographics and trends by degrees and majors as of the official University completions census date. |
ENROLLMENT BY MAJORS (Based on Official University Census Data/Trends)
Charts, tables, and data reflect undergraduate enrollment demographics and trends as of the official University fall census date as well as a March census date to track the trends of recently declared students. Please note that March census will include newly declared second year majors and graduating seniors. |
RETENTION AND PERSISTENCE/OUTCOMES (Based on Official University Census Data/Trends)