The Bonner Program strives to provide students with the experiences and skill set to provide meaningful and lasting service, during college and beyond. Bonner Scholars commit not only to service, but also to development as a leader both on campus and in the community. For Bonners, their education does not just take place in the classroom; their service serves as a tool to broaden and enhance their education at Washington and Lee.

Service Learning
The Campus Kitchen at Washington and Lee (CKWL) combats hunger and promotes nutrition by recovering and reusing food to provide balanced meals for low-income members of the community in Rockbridge County. The kitchen partners with community agencies to serve meals in a manner that best serves their needs--hot congregate meals, refrigerated individual meals, or bags of non-perishable food. CKWL's student leadership team takes control of the operational aspects of the kitchen's volunteer shifts, and students have the opportunity to develop important skills--grant writing, program development, event organizing and health department-approved culinary practices.
The Community-Academic Research Alliance is a Community-Based Research Initiative that supports research partnerships between Washington and Lee University and non-profits in the Rockbridge area to address pressing community challenges. These partnerships aim simultaneously to mobilize the community for responsible social change, lay the foundation for a healthy community, and advance the education of Washington and Lee students.
The Nabors Service League (NSL) is a student-run community service organization that strives to promote and encourage a spirit of service and to connect service with learning. In addition to connecting W&L and VMI students with local agencies, the Nabors Service League hosts two community wide service days and a series of events to raise awareness of social justice issues.
Volunteer Venture is a one week service-learning pre-orientation program for incoming students. The program introduces students to the contributing factors of poverty in cities surrounding W&L. Each area provides students with a different understanding of community and service needs, emphasizing the impact of mountain culture, civil rights, housing, and urban infrastructure on citizen well-being.
The Global Service House is a student- and service-oriented global center that provides students a focus for internationalism, a locale for increased cross-cultural engagement, and a visible home for service activity.