Equipment Checklist

Equipment Checklist

Washington and Lee will provide all of your food, transportation, and group camping equipment (tarps, stoves, first aid kits, etc.) and trained upperclassmen to lead the trip.

What You'll Need to Bring

You will need to provide your own personal items, like clothing and footwear. Every year students bring too much stuff on the trip. Please limit your items to what is listed below and you will be happier with your pack weight! You can ask your trip leaders if you have any questions.

Equipment Checklist

The Outing Club has a limited supply of a few of the equipment items to be used, free of charge, on a first-come/first-served basis. Equipment can be reserved on first come first served basis by emailing

Every participant will need all of the items listed from each of the categories below:

1. General

2. Personal

Keep in mind that the weather in Virginia can vary during the trip. While it will likely be quite warm, it can get cold and wet if a moist air mass descends on us! We have had years where the temperature dropped into the 40's at night. You need to be prepared for the latter. Inclement weather should not significantly deter from the trip. Your personal comfort and safety is our primary concern. You will be required to have appropriate warm clothing to participate. In preparing for cool, wet weather be aware that cotton has little value as an insulator since it readily absorbs water. There are many garments available that are made of fabrics that wick moisture away from the body and have the ability of providing insulation even when damp or wet.

3. Clothing

We recommend two insulating layers and a wind/rainproof layer. These garments should fit comfortably over each other so they can all be worn at once and be comfortable next to your skin. Some people have an aversion to wearing wool next to their skin. Combinations of the following are acceptable:

4. Footwear

4. Miscellaneous

5. Optional