Animal Care Program Emergency Plan

Animal Care Program Emergency PlanUpdated September 2014

IACUC Chair Mr. David March 540-458-8176 540-817-2599
University Veterinarian Dr. Phillip Bailey 540-463-2015 540-264-0116
W&L Public Safety Dr. Craig VanClief 540-458-8999 540-458-8427
W&L EHS Director Mr. Mike Jennings 540-458-8175 540-460-0500

Washington and Lee University recognizes that in the event of an emergency such as a natural disaster (e.g. earthquake), severe weather (e.g. flooding due to excessive rain), or unforeseen events (e.g. power outages) actions must be taken to ensure the safety of lab animals.

It is understood that not all staff or emergency personnel may be present in the event that this plan must be implemented. As such, all personnel who regularly work in Parmly Hall and all Principal Investigators (PIs) housing vertebrate animals in Parmly Hall should be familiar with the Emergency Response Plan and have the contact information of those listed above readily available when in the Parmly Hall Animal Colony or other laboratory spaces associated with this facility that house vertebrate animals. Additionally, contact information for the building's researchers is to be made available in and around the building's location at the discretion of Department Heads of departments whose faculty have active W&L IACUC protocols.

Emergency Plans

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