Appendix E: Portraits on Display on Campus
Appendix EPortraits on Display on Campus
University Collections of Art and History |
Report: April 21, 2018 |
Summary |
This count of portraits is taken from the UCAH collections database. It includes historical portraits of past presidents, trustees, faculty and donors, in addition to portraits of the university's namesakes, George Washington and Robert E. Lee. The list also includes a special exhibition of Custis family portraits that opened in April, as well as several portraits of that would be considered "art" as opposed to simply a documentary portrait. |
153 portraits on view across campus |
Total # GW |
29 portraits of George Washington |
These are primarily in Washington Hall |
Total # REL |
17 portraits of Robert E. Lee |
These are primarily in the Lee Chapel Museum |
Number |
Location |
Portraits of… |
GW |
2 |
2 South Main Street |
Paul Penick by Allan Jones, U8888.0.20 |
John Lyle Campbell by Hattie E. Burdette, U8888.0.20 |
0 |
7 Courthouse Square |
No portraits |
0 |
Center for Global Learning |
No portraits |
2 |
Early-Fielding |
Copy Services |
Lt. Robert E. Lee by William E. West, POSTER, U1994.0.340 |
1 |
Col. George Washington after C.W. Peale, POSTER, U1994.0.341 |
1 |
3 |
Elrod Commons |
Old George Reproduction in fiberglass, U1992.12.1 |
1 |
John Chavis bust by Rick Weaver, U2003.3.1.1 |
John W. Elrod by Steve Polson, U2003.7.1 |
1 |
Evans Dining Hall |
Letitia Pate Evans, U1994.0.175 |
0 |
Gilliam Admissions House |
No portraits |
1 |
Holekamp Hall |
Barry by Al Gury, U2001.3.4 |
1 |
Hotchkiss Alumni House |
William M. McElwee Jr. Class of 1879 by Dudley Feruson Hewitt, U8888.0.24 |
4 |
Huntley Hall |
Ernest Williams by Scaisbrooke Abbot, U1994.0.176 |
Patsy as a Young Woman with her Dachshund by Marion Junkin, U1996.3.3 |
Portrait of a Woman by Ray Prohaska, U1996.3.4 |
Robert Edward Royall Huntley by Dean Paules, U2000.11.1 |
Lee Chapel / Museum |
3 |
Auditorium |
George Washington as Colonel in Virginia Militia by Peale, U1897.1.1 |
1 |
General Robert E. Lee by Theodore Pine, LC280.649 |
1 |
Recumbent Lee by Valentine, U1875.2.1 |
1 |
3 |
Lee's Office |
Lee on Traveller , bronze by Schrady, 2008.15.1 |
1 |
George Peabody , engraving, LC1870.69 |
Lee's Study , lithograph by Volck, LC1963.2.1 |
1 |
1 |
Museum Shop |
Trade Figure of REL , U2006.2.1 |
1 |
11 |
Museum: Main Gallery |
Light-Horse Harry Lee , after Gilbert Stuart, U1998.7.1 |
William Graham , silhouette, LC280.359 |
George Washington (Athenaeum version) by Gilbert Stuart, U1875.1.3 |
1 |
George Washington , photo by Miley after pastel by Sharples, U4444.0.6 |
1 |
George Washington Parke Custis by Stearns, U1959.1.3 |
Lt. Robert E. Lee by William West, U1959.10.1 |
1 |
President Robert E. Lee copy after Buchser, U2007.7.1 |
1 |
Farewell to Appomattox (Lee on Traveller), U2005.12.1 |
1 |
President Robert E. Lee by Dubour, LC1948.6.1 |
1 |
Cyrus McCormick by GPA Healy, U1999.5.1 |
Robert E. Lee bust by Moses Ezekiel, LC280.141 |
1 |
1 |
Changing Exhibition Gallery |
Robert E. Lee , post war, by Cephus Giovanni Thompson, IL2014.1.1 |
1 |
9 |
Lee House |
Julia Rush Miller, Age 13 (Mrs. George Junkin), Rembrandt Peale, 2008.7.1 |
Thomas Jefferson after Gilbert Stuart by GPA Healy, U1875.1.4 |
Robert E. Lee as President of Washington College by Reid, U1922.1.1 |
1 |
Ann Hill Carter Lee , U1928.1.1 |
George Washington , silhouette, U1962.1.1 |
1 |
Martha Washington , silhouette, U1962.1.2 |
Bernard Moore Carter by John Vanderlyn, U1983.4.1 |
M. C. Lee, Arlington, December 18th, 1858, print, U1994.0.268 |
Washington at Dorchester Heights after Gilbert Stuart, U5555.0.2 |
1 |
2 |
Lee Jackson House |
Beverly Tucker Lacy by James Reeve Stuart, U2007.4.1 |
George Junkin by Orvin S. Parsons, LC 280.650 |
1 |
Lenfest Center |
Gerry Lenfest by Deena Gu Laties, 2008.19.1 |
Lewis Hall and Law Library |
1 |
Lewis Hall: First Floor |
Roy Lee Steinheimer, Jr. by A. Whitlatch, U1994.0.124 |
1 |
Lewis Hall: Second Floor |
Portrait of Eliza By Lucy Anderson, U1994.1.593 |
13 |
Lewis Hall: Third Floor |
John White Brockenbrough by Lillian B. Simpson, U1909.1.1 |
John William Davis by Frank O. Salisbury, U1955.1.1 |
William Haywood Moreland by Jack Clifton, U1955.3.1 |
Charles Porterfield Light, Jr. by Scaisbrooke Abbot, U1973.4.1 |
Sydney and Frances Lewis by Scaisbrooke Abbot, U1976.1.9 |
Lewis F. Powell, Jr. by George Augusta, U1987.2.1 |
Chief Justice Lewis Powell, bust by George M. Kelly, U1997.1.1 |
Frederic Lee Kirgis by Rick Weaver, U2007.8.1 |
Henry St. George Tucker by William Polk Dillon, U6666.0.2 |
William McLaughlin by William Robinson Leigh, U6666.0.4 |
Martin P. Burks by L. Freiman, U6666.0.7 |
Joseph Ragland Long by Dorothy Guest, U6666.0.9 |
Wilbur C. Hall by Scaisbrooke Abbot, U6666.0.12 |
11 |
Lewis Hall: Fourth Floor |
Justice Powell, Jr., relief sculpture in dean's conference room, U1978.2.1 |
Justice John Marshall by Chester Harding, U1875.1.2 |
James H. Price by Frank Graham Coates, U1979.3.1 |
J. Timothy Philipps (Timmy Tax) by J. P. Olmes, U1994.7.1 |
Charles McDowell by Ralph Garafola, U1999.1.15 |
Alexander M. Harman, Jr. by Istavan Nyikos, U19999.4.2 |
Roger Groot by Rick Weaver, U2006.5.1 |
Charles Vaill Laughlin , Photograph, U4444.0.23 |
Charles Alfred Graves by Bjorn F. Egeli, U6666.0.5 |
Raymon Johnson by Hattie Burdette, U6666.0.8 |
Clayton Eppes Williams by Marion Junkin, U6666.0.10 |
Leyburn Library |
6 |
Leyburn Library: Main Floor |
Portrait of Dean James Leyburn by Steve Polson, U2003.7.2 |
Grace Haley Mills by Louise Herreshoff, U1988.1.1 |
Andrew Carnegie by Francis Louis Mora, U8888.0.27 |
Portrait of Annie Robertson White by Hattie E. Burdette, U8888.0.34 |
Portrait of Miriam McClure by Nicholas Becker, U1978.1.1 |
George Washington (Lansdowne version) after Gilbert Stuart, U1980.1.1 |
1 |
12 |
Leyburn Library: First Floor including Special Collections |
Rupert Nelson Latture by Marcos Blahove, U1994.0.57 |
Robert E. Lee by Frederick Volck, U1901.2.1 |
1 |
George Washington after Houdon, M.J. Power, U5555.0.33 |
1 |
Fred Carrington Cole by Steve Polson, U2000.11.2 |
James Leyburn by Marcos Blahove, U1994.0.32 |
General Robert E. Lee Inspiring the Youth of the South , by Proctor, U1937.2.1 |
1 |
Pocahontas by William Ludlow Sheppard, U2002.5.7 |
George Washington by C. W. Peale , photographic copy |
1 |
Old George original by Matthew Kahle, U1884.1.1 |
1 |
George Washington, engraving by Jacques Reich, U1902.3.1 |
1 |
Robert E. Lee, engraving by Jacques Reich, U1913.3.1 |
1 |
William Webb Pusey III, by Pobai Hefflefinger, U1994.0.71 |
8 |
Leyburn Library: Second Floor |
Janet Borland MacDowell by Frank O. Salisbury, U1994.0.37 |
William Gleason Bean by Roberta Carter Clark, U1994.0.73 |
William A. Glasgow, Jr. by H. Magnuson Lindling, U2004.8.1 |
George Hutcheson Denny by Arthur Dawson, U8888.0.7 |
William Alexander Anderson by David Silvette, U8888.0.10 |
George Walker St. Clair by David Silvette, U8888.0.11 |
Dr. William Newton Mercer by Francisco Bernard, U1875.1.6 |
President and Mrs. Robert Huntley by Rick Weaver, 2009.12.1 |
5 |
Leyburn Library: Third Floor |
Charles Henry MacDowell by Frank O. Salisbury, U1994.0.36 |
James A. Quarles by Richard N. Brooke, U5555.0.8 |
Henry Louis Smith by Hans Schlereth , U8888.0.8 |
Christopher T. Chenery by Leopold Seyffert, U1979.1.1 |
William L. Wilson by Frank M. Peebles, U1916.1.1 |
0 |
Leyburn Library: Fourth Floor |
No portraits |
2 |
Mattingly House |
Portrait of Earl S. Mattingly by K. Donahoe, U1962.2.1 |
Jonathan Nabors by David Robertson, U2000.2.1 |
1 |
Morris House |
Girl Looking Out Window by Sarah Chapin, UR1967.1.189 |
0 |
Natatorium |
No portraits |
Newcomb Hall |
2 |
Newcomb Hall: First Floor |
Portrait of Warren Newcomb , LC280.655 |
Maquette for Allies (Roosevelt and Churchill) by L. Holofcener, U2006.10.3 |
2 |
Newcomb: DeLaney office |
Martin Luther King by Ben Shahn, Wood engraving, 2010.20.1 |
John Chavis bust by Rick Weaver, plaster, U2003.3.1.2 |
Payne Hall |
4 |
Payne Hall: First Floor |
George Washington - 100th Anniv. of Amer. Independence , U1984.3.27 |
1 |
John Barton Payne after Gari Melchers, U1939.12.1 |
Mr. Garrick in the Character of Richard III , eng. by Hogarth, U1994.0.308 |
William Graham , U8888.0.39 |
1 |
Mason Taylor New Room |
Mason Taylor New , U2005.13.1 |
Reeves Center |
1 |
Reeves Center: First Floor |
Jim and Celeste Whitehead by Taylor Harbison, U1993.1.1 |
6 |
RC: Gottwald Gallery |
Miss Edith Howe by Louise Herreshoff, UR1992.11.1 |
Sarah by Louise Herreshoff, UR1969.2.30 |
Summertime Girl by Louise Herreshoff Eaton, UR1967.1.21 |
Self Portrait by Louise Herreshoff, UR1967.1.17 |
My Aunt Lizzie by Louise Herreshoff Eaton, UR1967.1.19 |
Aunt Lizzie No. 4 by Louise Herreshoff Eaton, UR1967.1.113 |
0 |
Reid Hall |
No portraits |
Science Center |
2 |
Science Center: Third Floor |
Druck V. J. Haller after Reed Hoffman, U1994.0.347 |
Portrait of Dante , U1994.0.465 |
2 |
Science Center: Library, 3rd |
James L. Howe by Hattie Burdette, U8888.0.35 |
Charles H. Parmly by Scaisbrooke L. Abbot , U8888.0.47 |
1 |
Science Center: Fourth Floor |
Keith Shillington by Ray Prohaska, U1992.10.130 |
0 |
Tucker Hall |
No portraits |
Washington Hall |
1 |
First Floor: Exhibition Room |
Apotheosis of George Washington , Painting, 2015.13.1 |
1 |
His Excellency Geo. Washington Lt Gen of the Armies of the USA , U1984.3.8 |
1 |
George Washington bust after William Rush, U1955.2.1 |
1 |
Apothosis of George Washington, Liverpool jug, 2012.40.1.2 |
1 |
George Washington after Gilbert Stuart, reverse painting on glass, U1984.4.1 |
1 |
Silhouettes of Graham, Campbell, Baxter, and Marshall , U5555.0.3 |
George Washington after Sir Francis Chantrey , statuette, U1950.2.1 |
1 |
7 |
First Floor: Hallway |
Bust of Washington after Houdon, Bronze, U1905.2.1 |
1 |
Washington engravings, rotating sets of 6 to 8,variable |
6 |
2 |
Second Floor: Pres. Suite |
Robert E. Lee as Washington College President , Painting, LC1938.7 |
1 |
George Washington after Gilbert Stuart , Painting, U8888.0.19 |
1 |
2 |
Hallway outside Prov. Suite |
Dean Frank Johnson Gilliam , U1962.3.1 |
Washington Crossing the Delaware after Leutze, 2013.38.1 |
1 |
Watson Pavilion |
12 |
Special exhibition |
Martha Dandridge Custis by John Wollaston, U1918.1.1 |
Custis Family portraits |
John Parke Custis by John Wollaston, U1918.1.2 |
The Custis Children by John Wollaston, U1918.1.3 |
John Custis IV by Charles Bridges, U1918.1.4 |
Frances Parke (Fanny) Custis by Jacquelin-Brodnax Limner, U1918.1.5 |
George Washington Parke Custis by James Sharples, U1918.1.6 |
William Fitzhugh by Cephas Thompson, U1918.1.7 |
William Henry Fitzhugh by Cephas Thompson, U1918.1.8 |
Custis Ancestor - Male, U1918.1.9 |
Custis Ancestor - Female, U1918.1.10 |
George Washington after Gilbert Stuart, U1918.1.11 |
1 |
Martha Washington after Gilbert Stuart, U1918.1.12 |
2 |
Wilson Hall |
John Delane Wilson, President of W&L, 1983-95, Istvan Nyikos, U1999.4.1 |
For Lisa (portrait of Lisa Weinstein Deitch) by Ian Hornak, U1991.1.3 |
0 |
University Facilities Offices |
No portraits |
1 |
Front Campus |
Cyrus McCormick , sculpture by John David Brcin, U1931.2.1 |
153 |
29 |
17 |