Alumni Outcomes Six Months After Graduation

Alumni Outcomes Six Months After Graduation

Each May all graduating seniors are surveyed about their plans after graduation. Subsequently, they are invited to take a follow-up survey approximately six months later. The following is a summary of the results.

Majors of Top Respondents
Business Administration 31
Politics 31
Economics 28
Sociology & Anthropology 21
Accounting & Business Administration 20
Mathematics 14
Journalism 10
Computer Science 9
English 9
Biology 8
Neuroscience 8
East Asian Languages & Literatures 7
Earth and Environmental Geoscience 7
Cognitive and Behavioral Science 7
History 6
Studio Art 6
Spanish 6

Is your current position related to your major field of study at Washington and Lee?
Directly Related 53 42.7
Somewhat Related 46 37.1
Not Related, but is not important to me 12 9.7
Not related, but I would like a job related to my major 13 10.5

What is your salary range?
Salary Range Number Percent
Less than $30,000 10 9
$30,000 - $34,999 5 4.5
$35,000 - $39,999 11 9.9
$40,000 - $44,999 10 9
$45,000 - $49,999 11 9.9
$50,000 - $54,999 7 6.3
$55,000 - $59,999 7 6.3
$60,000 - $64,999 7 6.3
$65,000 - $69,999 10 9
$70,000 - $74,999 10 9
$75,000 - $99,999 20 18
$100,000+ 3 2.7

To what extent did your undergraduate experience at W&L prepare you for current career?
Preparation Level Number Percent
Very Much 65 39.2%
Quite a Bit 66 39.8%
Some 28 16.9%
Very Little 7 4.2%

Was a Bachelor's degree required in order to obtain your current job?
Bachelor's Degree Required Number Percent
Yes 107 86.3%
No 11 8.9%
Uncertain 6 4.8%

Have you enrolled in school again since graduating from Washington and Lee?
Enrolled? Number Percent
Yes 38 22.5
No 131 77.5

To what extent did your undergraduate experience prepare you for graduate or professional study?
Preparation Level Number Percent
Very Much 82 50.0%
Quite a Bit 62 37.8%
Some 17 10.4%
Very Little 3 1.8%

For the courses you completed at W&L for your declared majors, please rate your level of agreement with the following:
Metric Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I was able to register for the courses I wanted to take 66 82 13 10 3
I was able to register for classes offered at my preferred time of day 32 75 46 14 7
I was satisfied with the size of my classes 124 45 5 0 0
I was satisfied with the overall level of academic rigor 98 67 7 2 0
I was satisfied with the availability of faculty outside of class 131 39 3 0 0
I was satisfied with the quality of academic advising 110 32 18 10 3
I was satisfied with the overall quality of instruction 114 56 3 1 0