Krzysztof Jasiewicz William P. Ames Jr. Professor

Krzysztof Jasiewicz

Newcomb 227

Krzysztof Jasiewicz, the Ames Professor of Sociology at Washington and Lee University, should not be confused with the Warsaw-based historian of the same first and last name (no relation).  

Jasiewicz, a native of Poland, received his MA in Sociology at Warsaw University (1972) and his Ph.D. at the Polish Academy of Sciences (1976, also in Sociology). He has taught and/or held fellowships at Warsaw U., Harvard, Oxford, UCLA, and the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington, among others. He has published extensively on elections, voting behaviour, party systems, and political attitudes in Poland and other Central European states. His recent publications include a book (in Polish) on political behavior in Poland and articles in the Journal of Democracy, East European Politics and Societies, Concilium Civitas Almanach, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Problems of Post-Communism, and European Journal of Political Research, as well as chapters in edited volumes, in English, Polish, and French.

Jasiewicz is the Co-Editor of the journal East European Politics and Societies and Cultures (EEPS).


M.A.: Warsaw University, 1972
Ph.D.: Polish Academy of Sciences, 1976


Political sociology; elections and voting behavior; post-communism; Polish politics


Sociology 395 Senior Seminar in Sociological Analysis
Sociology 374 The Art and Science of Survey Research
Sociology 246 (Politics 246) Post-Communism and New Democracies
Sociology 245 (Politics 245) European Politics and Society
Sociology 225 Peoples of Central Europe Through Film and Literature

Selected Publications

Na ulicy i przy urnie. Studia o zachowaniach politycznych Polaków, 1980-2020 (On the Streets and at the Polls: Studies in Political Behavior of Poles, 1980-2020), Warsaw: Scholar 2022, 320 pp.

“Wojna płci czy wojna pokoleń? O (nowych?) płaszczyznach podziałów politycznych w Polsce” (A War of Sexes or a War of Generations? On (New?) Patterns of Political Divisions in Poland” in: J. Żakowski (ed.) Concilium Civitas Almanach 2021/2022, pp. 93-124

“The Fate of Generation ’68: History’s Full Circle” in: J. Żakowski (ed.) Concilium Civitas Almanach 2020/2021

Generation ’68 in Poland (with a Czechoslovak Comparative Perspective): IntroductionEast European Politics and Societies and Cultures, v 33 n 4, November 2019.

“Two Nations?” in: J. Żakowski (ed.) Concilium Civitas Almanach 2019/2020, 

“Whither Eastern Europe? Changing Approaches and Perspectives on the Region in Political Science” East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, v 29 n 2, May 2015 (with Michael Bernhard), pp. 311-322.

 “Citizens and Politics,” chapter 12 in S. White, J. Batt, and P. G. Lewis (eds.) Developments in Central and East European Politics Five, Basingstoke, UK, and New York: Palgrave, 2013; U.S. edition: Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2013, pp. 204-227.

"Poland" in: Nations in Transit 2012: Democratization from Central Europe to Eurasia, New York, Washington: Freedom House; Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers 2012, pp. 411-430.

"W cieniu tragedii: wybory prezydenckie 2010" [In the Shadow of a Tragedy: The 2010 Presidential Election] in: Słodkowska, I. i M. Dołbakowska, Wybory Prezydenckie 2010: Programy Kandydatów [The 2010 Presidential Election: Manifestos of the Candidates], Warsaw: ISP PAN, 2012.

"Le phénomène Yupski en Europe : Générations, classes et styles de vie en Pologne durant les années 2000" [Mr. Yupski Goes to Europe: Generation, Class and Lifestyles in Poland in the 2000s" in: Bernard Fournier and Raymond Hudon (eds.) Engagements politiques et citoyens de jeunes. Bilans et expériences au Canada et en Europe [Political Engagement of Young Citizens: Assessments of Canadian and European Experiences], Québec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 2012.

"Poland" in: Nations in Transit 2011: Democratization from Central Europe to Eurasia, New York, Washington: Freedom House; Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers 2011.

"Portfel czy różaniec? Wzory zachowań wyborczych Polaków w latach 1995-2001" [Pocketbook or Rosary? Patterns of Voting Behavior Among Poles, 1995-2001] in: Materski, W., and R. Żelichowski (eds.) Polska transformacja. Spojrzenie po dwudziestu latach [Polish Transformation: An Assessment After Twenty Years], Warsaw: ISP PAN 2010.

"Poland: Party System by Default" in: P. Webb and S. White (eds.) Party Politics in New Democracies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007; updated paperback edition 2009.

"'The Past Is Never Dead:' Identity, Class, and Voting Behavior in Contemporary Poland" East European Politics and Societies, v 23 n 4, Fall 2009

“Poland” in: Political Parties of the World, Seventh Edition, Darren Sagar (ed.), London: John Harper 2009

“The (Not Always Sweet) Uses of Opportunism: Post-Communist Political Parties in Poland” Communist and Post-Communist Studies, v 41 n 4, December 2008

“The New Populism in Poland: The Usual Suspects?” Problems of Post-Communism, v 55 n 3, May-June 2008; awarded the Polish Studies Association prize for best article in Polish studies published in 2007-08.

“Citizens and Politics,” chapter 12 in S. White, J. Batt, and P. G. Lewis (eds.) Developments in Central and East European Politics 4, Basingstoke, UK, and New York: Palgrave, 2007; U.S. edition: Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007

“Is Central Europe Backsliding? The Political-Party Landscape” Journal of Democracy v 18 n 4, October 2007

“Poland: A Young Democracy” in W. Phillips Shively (ed.) Comparative Governance, Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill, Primis Online (with David S. Mason; revised and updated in 2007)

“Poland” in Encyclopædia Britannica Online (revised and updated in 2007)

The 1991-1993 Elections to the Polish Sejm: Analyses, Documents and Data, co-editor and co-author (with R. Markowski), Berlin: Edition Sigma, 2006

“Knocking on Europe’s Door: Public Opinion on the EU Accession Referendum in Poland” in: R. Rohrschneider and S. Whitefield (eds.) Public Opinion, Party Competition and the European Union in Eastern Europe, Houndmills and New York: Palgrave, 2006.

“Polska u progu Unii Europejskiej” [Poland at the European Union Doorsteps], in: Radosław Markowski (ed.) Populizm a demokracja [Populism and Democracy], Warsaw: ISP PAN, 2004 (in Polish)

“Pocketbook or Rosary? Economic and Identity Voting in 2000-2001 Elections in Poland,” Studies in Public Policy, Number 379, Glasgow: University of Strathclyde, 2003

“Eurosceptycyzm, euroentuzjazm, euroapatia” [Euro-skepticism, Euro-enthusiasm, Euroapathy], in: Lena Kolarska-Bobińska (ed.) Przed referendum europejskim [Before the European Referendum], Warsaw: ISP, 2003 (in Polish)

“Czyj prezydent, czyj parlament? Wartości i interesy a zachowania wyborcze w 2000 i 2001 roku” [Whose President, Whose Parliament? Values, Interests, and Voting Behavior in the 2000 and 2001 Elections], Studia Polityczne No. 13/2002 (in Polish)

“Polskie wybory” [Polish Elections] in: Dziesięciolecie Polski Niepodległej, 1989-1999 [The Tenth Anniversary of the Independent Poland, 1989-1999], Warsaw: United Publishers and Productions, 2001 (in Polish)

“Dead Ends and New Beginnings: The Quest for a Procedural Republic in Poland” Communist and Post-Communist Studies, v 33 n 1, February 2000

Entries on Poland to the Political Data Yearbook, special issues of the European Journal of Political Research, annually since 1991

Editorial Board Membership

East European Politics & Societies and Cultures (Member of the Board since 2012, Co-Editor since 2014)
Studia Socjologiczne (Sociological Studies, 2009- )
Studia Polityczne (Political Studies, 1991- )
Studia Nauk Politycznych (Studies in Political Science, 1989-1991)
Krytyka (Critique, 1985-1994)